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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
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when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
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I must say the fireworks are still going off here and it's days too late. No cruise liners leaving from our street as far as I know. Maybe it is the Outer London Festival of Noise or something and I haven't been told.
I am annoyed!!! Mr N is sleeping in the warm front room with the telly blasting out, when I could be in there, grrrr.
we had fireworks here again, dogs okay though, even slept through some which is totally miraculous. I have a cold and sore throat which is less miraculous.
Morning all
Cold and dark but dry..I expect you are all still snoring away !
Market day ,otherwise I would still be in the land of nod .
See you later .
God morning, oh what a night. Storming non-stop, roof leaking but am not surprised, torrential. Off shopping in a no if we can pass under the bridge which floods. Hope you are all OK.
Quiet in here.. have new phone an Elektra, quad core.
Nothing as exciting as a new phone her Neti .
Just swede,carrots,greens and spuds :)
I did get lovely fresh bread and rolls though and we went to the smokehouse on the way back and got some smoked fish .
Good watevva...dull and mizz and so is the weather. I'm defrosting the's bad....very bad.
Afternoon all. Just back from watching my great niece score 1 goal at football.Their team the red socks lost 4 - 1 but they played well against the team that is top of the league.
Off to do something to eat and the relaxing the rest of the day.Pottering about. The Rams not playing today. Looking forward to watching Pirates of T.C. late on BBC 1.
Laters'gaters!! Have a good weekend.
Good heavens, winter has suddenly come upon us, only had thin duvet on for about a week and now I've put the 2nd heaviest on. Don't usually put any covers on until 22nd Nov!!, got new bootee slippers on (had a hard time finding them in Eastbourne this year, found 2 prs in TJHughes luckily)

Mr N actually bought fish today shaney, and he is making a fish pie tonight for dinner or supper or whatever it is. We also found the supermarker now does onion bread, and oliveoil bread and milk bread so we some. And wonders will never cease they sell blue shampoo for grey hair (no not a blue rinse!) it just takes the yellow out of the hair, I send 2 bottles over in my luggage, so am pleased to get more here.

Just relaxing with a cuppa and some lovely choc and caramel bars, well one at the mo!!
If you're interested ( I bet none of you are :) this is the smokehouse .
It's the oldest one in the country (built 1760) and is a listed building .
Fab fish .
That is interesting shaney, I would love to smell it. I loved smoked fish, don't get it here!

Mr. N's fish pie was excellent, looked like a shep's pie but there was atinge of 5 star anise, mustard, all sorts, really ncie, but then you see he doesn't have to cook everyday, and that is (to me) boring!!

Tucked up in bed again, with winter pjs, duvet slippers, a warmer duvet, house is all prepared for another soaking, plastic sheets and towels in strategic places until we can get it mended.
Yes I love a bit of smoked fish Neti .Smoked haddock with a poached egg ..luverly !
Goodnight all,sleep toight .Hope it keeps dry overnight for you Neti .
sorry, haven't read back, felt dreadful last night, woke up feeling pretty horrid, by lunchtime all cleared up and we went out shopping, spent the evening watching telly, gossiping and comforting dogs because there were MORE fireworks grrrrr. Had casseroled shin of beef for dinner, slow cooked yesterday and served today with mini roast jackets, a kind of spud called apache, blotched red and white very delicious creamy flesh.
oight oight my lovelies. IKEA tomorrow!
Morning all
Not very nice out there today .Dreary and drizzling. Hope you are all ok though
Oooh a best Jno .Very fishy ,it wasn't there when I went to bed !
Have you been wandering around the corridors in the middle of the night ?
good morning all, I forgot to come in earlier.

Yes it was another stormy night, with a few drips, but carpet ok as protected.

You may all have best answers but my name is usually mentioned in them! (preens

Am feeling festive and want to go visit my sisters. but OH says no, not enough dinero, I haven't told him that I've just bought another mobile phone! He won't even know when he looks at it, although this one is black and the other was white.

Having a quiet day in as it is so miserable ourside and there is nowhere to go. Just popping down to local Spanish restaurant for lunch!
Woofy I hope you are feeling much better now, say hello to sis for me.

Have been playing with my online dolls houses (Yoville on FB) I've had a lovley time buying new furniture!!
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grey here, but we are assured of a sunny, cold week to come. I suppose I will spend it in front of a computer before whizzing off to the Gulf in a week's time.
Very wet, drizzly and grey here, been out for a lovely lunch, now back tucked up in bed, for a siesta (wine induced!) then a cosy evening in front of TV with MR. N.
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backstage at John Lewis

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