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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
genital swabs jno?? where the heck are your eyes?
New people at the back in two flats are drilling and hammering and driving me mad, think it's my wall but I can't get up on the roof to see! #hatepeople#
I spindried all the sopping washing and hung it out and it was almost dry after a couple of hours so then I tumbled it, all's dry and put away. Relief!

Clouding over again now and a slight chill in the air.
spindried, spundried, spandried???? you tell me, but I doubt jno can read it seeing the eyes are down there (ahem)
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I wondered that myself, neti. Apparently they just wanted to know if I might have any bugs anywhere. I've been given a pack of disinfectant wipes, for all of me, that I have to use before I get on the train to the hospital. Apparently they will kill any bug within a 50 mile-radius. But by golly I never had any of this in the past. Perhaps it is all an anti-superbug thing.
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spun dry perhaps but if it is one word spindried is probably ok.
Episode 999. I went to bed last night feeling really comfortable. Woke up at half past 2 and listened to roland running around and around. I paid the man 50 pounds to repair my drain and they are still getting in. I have now wrong the pest control and the council to come and sort next door out. I'm dictating this post because I'm so bloody angry I cant type properly.
apart from that I've had a lovely meal today with my neighbour who use to live next door when I first moved up he re
also I'm laughing at Jno's wipes.
Laters gators
Sorry about the few errrors wrong = rung
He re = here!
That's dictating it via my phone.
Don't worry about typos jude, at least you have an excuse! That is ridiculous, can't you put rat poison down in the loft?

Have had a lovely roast chicken and sausages, with brocolli cheese, roast spuds and mash, peas, carrots and roast onions, lovely thickish gravy (I cannot abide thin). No room for pudding, thank heavens cos there isn't any. There are pots of lemon meringue, or caramel custard for Mr N, I can't abide them !!

All washed up and put away and bathed (in a hot bath) and tucked up in bed waiting for Easties and Last tango!!
Neti the pest man put poison in the loft but they didn't touch it just the stuff in the drain and he said they had gone but he did leave the stuff in the loftand is coming again this Thursday so I'm insisting he goes in the loft and has another look to see if they have eaten it now. I know they're not coming in through my drain so it's up to hernext door nowand I've been and politely told her to get her finger out as she hasn't informed anybody even now about what she's heard as late as this morning she told me. I'm fuuummming!!!!!
pop a cat up there jude!
Peeing down here again. Mr N has been up on the roof but cannot see a crack anywhere, so he's sealed it all again in the hopes that it will stop. The neighbours at the back have screwed a washing line to our wall, but to be honest they do not know it is not a shared wall, I shall have to remind them gently!
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they'll soon realise when you've gone out and regularised their pegs a few imes, neti.

Oh poor Jude, still got rats in your belfry, I do hope they get this sorted. It would drive me mad.
Well not much household engineering got done here today after all.
Picky pitched up here with his files and folders and Mr S.has been helping him do his accounts and tax stuff so they've been hogging the computer while I sallied back and forth with cups of tea and bacon rolls .Now they're shouting at the teeveee...England V Germany :)
That's a disgrace Jude .I don't think I would have been too polite with the neighbour if it had been going on for so long !
Good news though for you Jno .Mr S had all those things ,the genital swabs etc .and he had to wash in some sort of anti bacterial stuff before his various ops .
I hope it's a success for you .Sight is precious .
Oh well , better go and ferry more tea into the front room .
Sleep toight tonoight lovelies .
Quick scan, hello everyone, yes jno, DH had to do the swabs and shower with hibiscrub twice before his ops. So sorry that Roland is proving tough to shift Jude, I would be mad as hell too. Laughing about your peg regularisation neti, but NOT about the leak. Shaney, which side do you shout for? Where is Robi, I hope she's ok.
End of a stressful day here, it was dog vaccination day. they hate the vets, I hate taking them, its all a bit exhausting. Anyway its all over now and Sis is a huge support and doesn't think i am silly. Tomorrow we are going to do something lovely and non stressful.
Oight oight all.
Morning folks, from a bright and sunny Ibiza. No leaks in the night, but it didn't rain too hard.

Better wash the duvet covers today.
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looks like they've changed their minds on the cold snap, yesterday they were saying down to 3 degrees all week, now they're saying it will be 8-9. It must have been the petition that did the trick.
Morning all...real feel of minus 1C here and we've just had a terrible hail storm. by the time I'd been shopping in the bitterly cold wind yesterday I had a massive headache and couldn't think straight. That was after I'd spent half the morning faffing about with my washing after the machine had a silly that's probably going to be something to add to a new mobile phone on the shopping list.
Reasons to be cheerful.....erm....0

Good luck with the op jno, hope you're sorted before Christmas.
The police and firemen (bombers) were all over hijas flat last night as bits of balcony had dropped in the main street, but they cleated it away and allowed to return.

She finally got her parcel today.

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