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opening photos

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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
hello all, still noisy here, expecting to stay up for most of the night till the noise subsides. Dogs restless and unhappy but no full on panic (god bless melatonin) Sis would have stayed up with me but I sent her to bed so she can dog sit tomorrow while I get a nap.
Good morning, just collected hija from airport, at 6.30 it was 11º !! She's gone to bed, and Mr N and I are boot hunting for me!!!

Laters >>>>>
Sincerely wishing all you lovely Biddies a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Hello Lottie, Merry Christmas to you and your family xx
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hello, Lottie, all the best to you and yours as well.

well, not much devastation in our garden :-( but I think I can see a flowerpot knocked over.
Morning all
Nice to see you Lofty . Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours .

It was a dreadful night here .it even woke Mr S. and that's saying something !
Calmed down a bit now but grey and drizzly out there .
Well I must get on as Christmas Eve is our night as usual .And as per usual I have to make traditional food German I'll wish you all a Very Happy Christmas .Hope you all have a lovely time xxx
Eh ? That isn't what I linked too ! Tut..Try again ...

I haven't been on the sherry either :)
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For you all, and thank you jno for the ecard
Needless to say we couldn't any boots that I haven't got or want! It puts me right off having Mr N trailing around the shops, we just do not do that!

So I had a coffee and bought myself yet another black handbag!
Hello, went to bed at 6am after dozing on the sofa from 4 to 6. Poor boys were fine if they stayed close to me but quite worried otherwise. Bless sis who took over this morning so I could sleep in.
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if you could spare her for a couple of hours, there's some dusting needs doing here, woofgang
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no trains to jno jnr's part of the world thanks to the storm, so we are going to pick him up tonight, bring him here, take him to Essex sis's place for Xmas dinner/lunch tomorrow, then go with him to his home tomorrow night, stay there overnight, and celebrate Boxing Day with him and gf and her family. Then drive back here. About 300 miles in all, but the roads touch wood will be empty.

So I will probably be out of touch for a day or two. Merry Christmas to all.
Oh jno, what a palaver, but at least you'll all be together, are you driving? if so take care.

It is now very blowy outside and we are all battened down, forecast is for a dreadful day tomorrow, but we do not have to go out if we do not want to, but I do like to nip down to local cafe for my coffee (or a something a bit stronger) on xmas day. Just worried about the huge tv aerial on the flats at the back.
Hello Lottie, merry Christmas to you and your family and pets too.

Evening all, been came to entertain me for a couple of hours. Bless him, it's lovely to hear him laugh at my 'animal' impressions...well he now thinks polar bears make a beeping noise. :)

hope you're all done shopping cos it's too late if you aren't :/
Still blustery here, not very seasonal at all...hope it doesn't get as bad as last night, it was horrendous. I'm so sorry for all of those with floods. Hope you're all safe and dry, be careful on the roads jno.

Thank you for the emails, can't open the links on my kindle so I'll look on the big puta in the morning. Till then have a peaceful eve and I hope Santa brings you all you hope for. xxx
Been waiting for norad to come to Spain but it's zooming miles away, I give up.

Oight oight all and a Merry Cbristmas.
just going to look at Norad now, thought i'd have another night on the couch but the wind has dropped thank goodness. I wish you all the Merriest of Christmasses.
If you are journeying then travel safely and if you are home then stay safe. Special hello for Lottie, its so lovely to see you again...
...and Vinny, if you pop in then hello and Merry Christmas to you too.
Excessively blowy here last night, just spent a while clearing up and picking up all the strewn debris, plus the red Christmas tree and golden baubles, including some cement from under the patio!

We are all off after Brekkie for a walk and a coffee or hija will never get up, she went to bed yesterday at 8.30am up for a hour at 3pm and then back in bed , I had to check she was still breathing this am!!!

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