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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Just been out for brekkie and we changed our phone/internet/mobile to another much cheaper tariff, hija now gets free calls and internet, so hopefully no more bills.

Now back home waiting for her to get up!!
Oh btw, nothing fenominal happened here last night, although I believe a few boats and yachts got a battering on the other side of the island (San An)
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the fenomina has passed us by again, not even a flower pot blown over this time, though it was certainly noisy (and still is a bit).
I sometimes wonder if I am the only person on this world who manages to sort things out! Have now got hija her new health card, which we need for any medical attention in Spain (NHS that is) and have got Mr N to finally come to telefonica shop to change our contract to a free mobile calls and internet for hija and cheaper all round for him! Told the telephone company that adsl is not that good, they have sorted it now (I think) much quicker, but let's wait and see, there may have been a leaf on the line!

I have made the obligatory turkey curry which I do like, and now feel shattered.

Last night I woke up choking, it was awful couldn't breathe and Mr N didn't know what to do, it was acid reflux. I try to sleep upright but somehow snuggle down when asleeo. I do take omaprazol but to what use! Rennies always to hand.
We are clean and fragrant Shaneys again .Trying to wash with kettles of hot water in a cold house is not good .Mind you we didn't have these luxuries years ago and managed .I'm getting soft in my old age.
Thank you all for your kind wishes .It doesn't seem like 41 years since we stood there shivering in the snow outside the register office .

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neti, if the omaprazoel isn't working, could the doctor try an alternative? There are other prazoles.

Glad to hear the shaneys have scrubbed down well and all ready for 2014.
Have the internet man here beggaring about an no doubt costing is a fortune. People at back are banging and thumping walls, oh for a simple life.
Yes Shaney when Ioved here in 71 there was no hot water so we washed like that everyday and had to use the dirty water to flush the loo.We are so used to luxuries , I am bereft without internet.
Loved here? Well I did but meant moved! I blame the internet man who looks completely lost and bewildered with all my miles of wiring!!!
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goodness, just ventured out into the garden and it is all budding. Acer, azaleas and apple tree* all have buds on. They're going to get a shock when the inevitable cold snap comes.

*Tomorrow I shall inspect plants beginning with B.
Oh internet is veritably galloping along. I though the internet man was moving in, he was here for so long, and what did I tell him? check the modem/router first, did he no, he went under my bed, moved all my armchairs, was amazed at all my wiring, re did it all then it still wouldn't work, he changed the modem (I've got a spare one and have asked Mr N for ages to plug it in) lo and behold (very seasonal) it is working fine. Don't think we have to pay either as we received a phone call askin if we had had the work done.

Now hija's mobile won't work Oh nothing do to with the internet man!
It's jolly drarfty in Derby again...there's a waft of Lifebuoy and lavender from the east every now and then. :)
For shaney and Mr S.

What could be better on your anniversary???
My goodness, even tinypic is working again now.
Drarfty?? No good blaming predictive text!
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pink and blue water, how chic, though it would look better if the bath was a nice avocado coour.
Oooh an avocado bath suite, how I hankered for one the 70's, when we did buy our little cottage in Truro it had lemon yellow and it stayed lemon yellow.
am in new fleecy hoodie pj's, so if I don't choke on acid reflux, I may strangle myself with the bobbly cords, or suffocate in the hood , I'll let you know in the morning.
Drarfty = I'd just watched Downton, I was being Maggie Smith.
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ours was white but it has not stayed white, it is now closer to lemon yellow.

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