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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
She is lovely Robi, but I prefer one with grey hair scraped into a bun and specs and a cane. We are regressing into childhood.

Lovely day here, sunny, blowy but chilly, still washing all out and blowing in the wind, can't stand it in the bin for more than one day. Having a big prawn cocktail for lunch, then must make the bubble. Any ideas how to make a tasty bubble, and do I fry it or bake it? Easiest is best.

Hope jno is OK with all that driving. Does jno drive yet?

I've always fried bubble and I keep spooning it over so I get crispy bits in it.
Oooh Nooo not football,there would have been very loud screaming :)
It's the tennis court .Still it might keep my fingers warm fiddling with it as the fluffing boiler has decided to pack up .So no heating and no hot water at Shaneytowers today .Engineer can come tomorrow .Typical when we wanted a quiet day before the fray again tomorrow as it's our wedding anniversary .
I got one of those boards to do it on as well which you fold up and the pieces stay in place .
Lol.. I love the little grandma .
I always fry bubble too.Yes ,keep turning it so it crisps up. Lovely .
I'm going to light the fire in the front room and catch up on teevee.I haven't seen Last Tango yet or Downton .
Too cold out here in the kitchen .
Oh booger, what a time to have things break down shaney, I'm glad you've at least got a fire. Hope the engineer comes early to fix it.
You'll enjoy Tango, it was good. I've got my kindle on charge so I'll be on the sofa under a fleece and browsing the sales shortly.
Oh shaney just what you don't need, this is why I know I'm lucky Mr N fixes this type of problem, even though he moans!

Bubble made, smells lovely, hija gone off to meet friends, house tidy and 4 loads of washing dried and put away. Love it.
shaney that's a real poo. I hate being cold.
I also hate feeling cold, but with the fuel allowance I got the change of a new telly so will put up with being chilly, actually it's warm in the afternoons and we've just lit the fire at 7pm.
*change* - chance!!
I watched Last Tango.It was brilliant .I loved it when the chaps all sung ..If I said you had a beautiful body ...I hope they do another series .
Then I watched Midsomer .I like the new DS ,and I love Sykes ,he's so cute .Saving Downton for later.
Yes it's bloody cold and getting colder .
Picky just gave me instructions over the phone which involved laying down under the boiler in the cupboard and fiddling around to no avail .
He said he would come over but I said no as they've been drinking at lunch time .The fire keeps the lounge warmish but the rest of the house is like an icebox .I musn't moan though ,have warm clothes and plenty of grub .At least I'm not up to my waist in mucky water like the poor buggers in Surrey and Kent etc. Hopefully the engineer will be here sooner rather than later tomorrow .
We are slumming it with cold meat and pickle sandwiches and soup. ..Nothing left over for bubble .
I 've already had scotch ,lemon and sugar with hot water ...hic ;)
Lots of socks and layers of clothes shaney, like we had to as children!!

We have red alert for winds and fenominas (!) on the coasts, we are on the cost!
It's like the twilight barking here. Someone has gone missing since xmas eve, they didn't make the flight to UK as they were too drunk and what with all the chaos at the airports, he's disappeared, so we are FBing all the local Ibiza sites trying to find him, as his sister messaged me to help!

I really have enough to worry about with hija, let alone a 60+ man.
oight oight
Neti, you are a fenomina in your own right, in fact all the biddies are!

We have had more fireworks here. I am a hair away from storming out the door when they start and going and having a go at the perpetrators.
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oh dear, shaney, well, on your anniversary all I can suggest is try to remember how the two of you managed to keep warm all those years ago. (If I could remember that sort of thing myself, I'd tell you, of course.)

Another engagement in the extended biddy family? Well, I have spent the last couple of days examining bridesmaids' dresses (very elegant, navy, full length and pleated, crossover top with modest neckline as they've decided they don't want a lot of flesh showing.) jno jnr's verdict is "woddeva".

I hope everyone had a nice Christmas but personally I am stuffed to the gills.

One slightly dispiriting present: a 1000-piece double-faced Mensa jigsaw. The top face is a lot of Mensa quiz questions. The bottom is a photo of the bottom of another jigsaw - no picture, just a lot of jigsaw-type lines. This may have to go on the same untouched pile as the jigsaw I got from the same source last year.
Sitting up letting the last of the bad weather to go over before settling for some sleep.....same old same old......
Good morning biddies.

Oh woofy it must be driving you crazy all those fireworks, what a shame. Hope you are all settled now.

Jno my sister had navy blue for her bridesmaid dresses, trimmed with ivory, and all very covered up too, just bare arms. She even had blue roses in her bouquet, it was very different in those days.

Well the lost chap has been found at home, he apparently was very drunk when a friend dropped him at airport and was too late and too drunk to get on the BA flight, his family couldn't get in touch, so the police went round and he is "ill" but OK! Think he was unconscious over xmas!! Wally!
Shaney was your anniversary yesterday or today? Anyway hope you had a nice time with Mr S.

In Tango I really thought he was going to have a heart attack and die on the dance floor, not used to happy endings.
Morning overhangers...

Happy anniversary to Mr & Mrs shaney! Have a lovely day. x
Hope you're not being battered with gales that we have..I'll be back later when I've braved it and collected all the litter in my front AND back garden from next doors overturned bin yet again! They aren't there, grrrr. We all get caught out but why don't they learn after the second time?
We have heat and hot water .God Bless British Gas. I must have a bath ....back later ...Good morning to you all xx

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