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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
I keep coughing again, but it's not chesty or hurts so will leave it.

Just caught up with the lastest Michael Mcintyre show, I think he is hilarious.

Just had prawn,salmon and pineapple salad, am still in bed cos Mr N has the footy on, but will get up and have a bath and put ma hoodie on again.
Well I haven't got much done.. just finished dusting my tv's
we have bounced on beds, more or less decided what to get, shopped a bit and here we are.
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I have had a queasy tum all day - no vomiting, so it's just some little thing that's upset it - so have spent the day in bed snoozing and avoiding food.
I managed to keep my eyes open until the end of Miss Marple .I knew he was a wrong 'un from the off !
All I've done today is nothing .I did cook a dinner though.
Hope your tum soon eases off Jno .Have you been overdoing the chocs ?
Not one chocolate or anything with chocolate in it has passed my lips this Christmas ...I can't say the same about chs and whisky though :)
Goodnight lovelies ..sleep toight .
get better soon jno. My tum is now my friend since I stopped using ibuprofen. It took about 4 weeks (!) to finally settle. I am still gobsmacked by the fact that it was the neurofen, I have taken it for years without incident or problem.

Plenty of chocolate has passed my lips this Christmas, also champagne, some rather good white wine and a really excellent Canadian whisky flavoured with maple syrup, a gift from Sis. Its not at all sweet, but quite maple-y and delicious.

I didn't enjoy the Miss M but then i didn't like the book either.
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that's interesting, woofgang, I have spent years ignoring all the advice and knocking back neurofens on an empty stomach, and had no trouble. Perhaps I should monitor it, as the Spanish doctors say. My tum doesn't feel queasy any more but it is rumbling so loud it will probably blank out the noise of tomorrow's storm, so that will be nice. (OH has wisely departed to the spare bedroom.)
good morning all. Seems sunny outside.

Hija goes back this evening and we will welcome the peace that will descend on Villa Neti.

Hope your tummy is feeling better jno. I couldn't sleep last night (not surprising as I spendt nearly all day in bed) so at midnight I got up and washed the dishes which I never normally leave unwashed. Then I watched "Boys from the Blackstuff" which I have on computer.

We watched "Mad dogs" the finale but couldn't understand much of it!
well according to Accuview on my phone, it is 5º here and 10º in Eastbourne!!!!
Good morning all. I'm still in bed catching up with all you posts. If you've not been well hope you're on the mend and looking forward to New Years Eve. Apart from the fireworks Woofy. I feel for you about that and know what it's like.
I've had a busy time lately but the main thing now is looking for my Rams v Chelsea ticket which I bought before Christmas. Can't find it anywhere! Looks like I'm off to Pride Park this morning for a replacement.
When I say I've been busy it's mainly been walking. The weather's been cold but lovely and sunny. So I've been out everyday. I just had to get some exercise I felt so full up after all the Christmas fare. Yesterday was the last one to Elvaston Castle. I've never seen so many youngsters on new bikes and most had helmets on as well I'm pleased to say.
Have to get up now. Need a cuppa tea....have a good day Biddyfriends everywhere.
Just looked out of the window and it's raining. Boo! Won't be walking far today!!
Pleased I went when I did.
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stomach has fallen silent but I'm still a bit wobbly after a day's fasting so have cancelled a dinner date for tonight. The sun is shining rather feebly, and so am I.
Oh poor jno, cancelling a dinner date? I so rarely receive them that I would crawl on hands and knees to one!

Just sold hija's iphone 4 with a very smashed screen ! Result, and yes they inspected it before they bought it!
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Clapham's a long way to go on my knees. Now two days without eating; surely this must be doing me good? Have I blundered into the 5:2 diet by accident?

Nice bright avatar there, Jude, I like that.
jno are you staying hydrated? skipping food a few days won't hurt but you must keep drinking.
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yes, plenty of water. Shame they don't seem to sell Aqua Libra any more - that would have been good, tasty and non-acidy. Everything was tasting very acid yesterday.
Thanks Jno!
I have an upset tummy, keep needing loo visits and not hungry. Hija has gone off with friends for tapas before her flight to Barcelona, hope she doesn't miss it. We are so relieved that we don't have to go out in the cold to drive her there.
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this must be an international bug, neti. Perhaps it is caught by posting on biddy threads?
I used to love aqua libra, I can see why it stopped selling though, it was quite dear.

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