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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
I came to visit all the nice ladies on the thread and have to say it is nice to see you all using it for cheerful chit-chat.

I had to go to see the renal consultant today and was knackered when I got home, I fell asleep at about eight and then woke up two hours later. I am still awake and it will soon be time to get up to do my shift in Oxfam.

I hope that you all have a good weekend. I really must get started on my plans for a new kitchen and bathroom- it seems a bit overwhelming but I know that I will feel better once it is finished.

Hello all would included. Hope you are ok?
I am sorting out hija's premium bonds as she doesn't have a UK bank account now thanks to brexit. And also she sent a suitcase from Barca to Ibiza 8weeks ago and we still haven't got it. They do not contact us so it's been going back and forth for weeks. She's rushed off now in my car as it says it's here but I have my doubts. World gone mad. I did 10 mins sunbathing and that was enough as it's very very hot!!
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hope you got through the heat of the day unscathed, wolf. I forgot to do two things today but I did go to a coffee morning, and also to Hatfield House because I liked the look of it when I watched The Favourite the other day. I had been there once before, last century, but my memories are dim and my photos faded.

My plans for renovations are stymied because nobody will call me back.
I live in Perth, summer means warm rain. I live in the city centre, the window is open and it sounds like a peaceful village and not a city. It is a nice place to live.
I want my renovations done before I am sixty in 2023.

Happy weekend to all of you.
Hello. Last post I typed wolf included but typical phone changed it! You will get used to my strange writings and learn to dicipher ( no spelling looks ) them My house has been done up over the last of years and I love it. Now we've just bought a new bed for hija and 2 settees for lounge which I have immediately cover with throws to Mr N's disgust but he has now got a chocolate stain on it so I am vindicated and he has shut up!
He is not well snuffly and coughing. Cold, flu or covid. Spain says treat it as the flu!
Very very hot today so we have done the essentials and I've been in pool and now we are both relaxing in cool house.
Hello all. Another hot and boring day here. Mr N is still snuffling and with no energy, and hija is also snuffly ! Another quiet home day for us! But we do have to pool if it gets too bad!
Ahabeybaendsbher love, she ajyatbhaving a break. My bro Ronnie's book comes out on Monday but we haven't heard from him for ages which doesn't bode well! Hope he hasn't said anything bad about me! He loves me!!!
Ahabeybaendsbher and ajyatbhaving - typos or strange words?
Hija - daughter?
Is your brother an author? The nearest that I will get to that is volunteering in an Oxfam bookshop.
Oh dear haha wolf I did warn you. It should "shaney is having an AB break and sends her love"
Yes hija is daughter. My phone doesn't type well on this site.
Bro is Ronnie Archer-Morgan antiques expert. But lived with us in his childhood as did his sister so they've be been family for 70years
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now why would a book on antiques mention you, neti?
JNO! Yes I'm shouting! I maybe old but not that old! It's all to do with his life. I've got the lurgy
No idea if cold flu or covid!
Has anyone got a copy of times mag . Has a photo of Ronnie with my mum!
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another hot day!. I watered the garden yesterday, only to find today I forgot to turn the hose off. My water bill this month should be enormous. Lucky I have drains in to stop the place flooding.
I've have covid and feel rough
Had it a week now.
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oh, poor neti. Are all your jabs up to date?

There's a lot of it here, even in healthy, competently run Britain extract from Ronnie's book
Yes jno have en all
Though why I bothered?feel really rough.
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cute kids!
Sadly I am still bedbound. It's 10 days now. Can't get in touch with Mexico for love or money as I need anti bios for my chest . Have borrowed some from a friend. Also my long awaited appointment with rhuematology is on 11rh Julie but cannot see my doc for an analysis until 12th.the whole thing is ridiculous!
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oh dear, I'd have thought you'd be getting better by 10 days. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Almost back to normal. Had hair trimmed as it was got prescription and appointment for analysis . So hot so now home and in cool room shattered!

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