Evening possums. Reading that bin article, I found it very worrying that "people could one day be forced to pay for the amount of rubbish they produce" - we'll be in trouble then, won't we biddies:)
Incredibly, I've never seen a Whee-Lo (but found a couple on YouTube), but it made me remember our gyroscope that would balance on a string and on top of a miniature Eiffel Tower
One of my favourite "manipulation toys" was an oblong handle with two hard balls hanging from it and as you sort of shook your hand up and down the balls would fly upwards to "12 o'clock" (in the air) and downwards to "6 o'clock" and collide into each other fiercely at both stations and go clank-clank-clank-clank-clank so rapidly that the individual clanks were almost indistinguishable from each other (there, I think I've just scared Vinny away forever;-) So addictive. It was all the rage in Spain where we had a summer house but by the time we got back home again they had been banned as there had been nasty accidents and I think I stopped using mine, or if I managed to break the balls, yep, that was most likely what happened ;-)
Aww I love that little double-decker, Robi, I wouldn't mind having it sit here on my desk. I think I just found "mine", from yesterday, on the web. It's not a No.12 on the photo but that's changeable isn't it and the other facts match what the guys that were getting out of the bus told me yesterday when I interviewed them. Scroll down down down, it's the last one and there are three individual photos to enlarge