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Installing wifi router

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netibiza | 14:27 Wed 15th Jul 2009 | Technology
513 Answers
How easy is it to install a wifi router by oneself (me being not too technical), I do have adsl. if I buy a Belkin in England will it work ov er here in Spain with telefonica. it's just that telefonica charge almost double for this service.


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what!!?? said kn0bby greens....pah!!
<flings a chipped plate at wall> > > > > >
Evening biddies. I had to open the window in the middle of the night (my new mirror reeks of oil) and there was seven inches of snow on the window sill, the most I've ever seen. Aww Snögubbe...! What happened li'l man, is there a thaw already or did your Maker fling something at you or kick you in the ba- the leaf. Oh well I guess it's the way of all flesh. And snow. But you were lovely, Mr Snögubbe.

Have to say I'm sorry Lottie isn't around anymore. Shaney if you see her will you tell her if she comes back we'll greet her with flowers and bubble baths and champagne and baskets of fresh fruit and yes we *will* remove all bananas beforehand (Hope you're reasonably okay Lottie xx)

And Vinny I miss you every day but I don't want to lay it down too hard as I know I can be scary when I do. "But Kip couldn't you just ask him nicely?" Nicely? You mean like... sugar and spice and all things nice-nicely? Yeah that's a good idea, I like it! Now remember: Sugar and spice, sugar and spice, sugar and... here we go
Hi all another white night tonight...Kit you are SCAREY when you are sweet....just like me lol
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Morning all, hope you are feeling better Woofy and Robi.

Yes, shaney I did see Nella's last peace and I thought I had mentioned it in an earlier threat but there again I probably forgot. Will try to get it when next in england as Mr N doesn't like me to use his card over the net!!! I'd really love to read it!

Yes where has LL gone, I've seen her on other posts elsewhere, hope we haven't upset her!
G'day from the frozen Midlands...erm, computer says 1C, feels like -10C...
The dental surgery phoned at 8.45 to say the hygenist was ill (I had a feeling that was going to happen) - oh quel dommage! - so seeing as I was up & running (in more ways than one) and not wanting to waste a clean vest, pants & spit mascara I went to the shops instead. Naturally they'd rung as I was poised in the smallest room & had to run down the stairs with me bloomers round me knees...good job it wasn't someone telling me to step outside the house with my hands in the air :o)

She's a darling that Sweedie...if you're ever in Sweden you should pop round for afternoon tea with her woofy

Poor little doggy(!), haha...Charlie's like that with anything new.
hello all yes thanks loads better. Used last night to make a few decisions, put them into practice today..I don't like where I have been, not going there again.
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Oh yes, I met swedie for tea and she dragged us up a huge tower, all wobbly I was, but she was nice. And there we sat and gazed at an old tug named Patricia, we did laugh!!!!
yes I bet you did neti <<<thwack!>>>....anyway she's not an old tug, she's the fabulous, glamorous place to be....

Glad you're feeling better woofy, the only way is up....
Question Author
Go on Swedie, tell her all about the old tug and how we wanted to photo it but it didn't come out !
Oh, oh! Thanks to Neti's rudeness;-) in calling the lovely Patricia an old tug, to which I of course had to object using photographical evidence to the contrary, I have just cyber-stumbled across some very interesting facts that were new to me, so thank you thank you thank you rude Spanish woman!! But first to explain to Woofy, who wasn't around at the time, this is the Patricia to the right and to the left is the tower up which I dragged the Neti and Mr N - inside an elevator - to have coffee - not tea (this is turning into that old Maurice Chevalier song, "you wore a red dress"/"no it was green") - at the restaurant Gondolen (The Gondola). But I don't think we saw the pirates or did we, Neti?

But anyhoo, get a load of this: The old tug is British! And she has a very proud history indeed; she was there at Dunkirk and she was there in the Normandy Landings on D-Day, she has been a private yacht to your own Queen Elisabeth, and people like Winston Churchill and Bruce Springsteen have also boarded her. I didn't move to Stockholm till 1991 so she was already here when I arrived, or else I would have known all of this before. But the fact is I didn't, so again thanks Neti. Read all about it here:
(PS Thank god for Flickr, as Neti's photos were very unsteady you see, or as she would have it "they didn't come out" ;-)
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Oh my, I wished I'd paid more attention to the tug now, quite an interesting piece of history.
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href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"><

well let's see if this is the Patricia!
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Ooops I've forgotten how to use tinypic!!!
oh, it's a much classier ship than that
Oh but that's an excellent photo Neti, here it is again (of TinyPic's options, just use the direct link)

Hi jno, I bet you've rubbed shoulders with if not ole Winston then at least some heir. Tell us, tell us.
haha, I can't understand why we haven't had a Queen sounds no worse than Kween Kate anyway...<whispers> she's not right for him ya know....

That's a lovely pic neti...they have gay night at the weekend
<neti's door slams>

> > > > > > > >
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We have gay nights here every night! That looks remarkably like my piccy sede and even the date is wrong, so it is mine.

I've rubbed shoulders with James Callaghan and David Owen as my pa-in-law was their private bodyguard, and no not ll muscles and bald head, he was every inch the gent, very unobtrusive!
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sede???? I mean swede, sorry!!
That's all right Nuti >>>>

(...and yes it is your piccy, I made the link clickable for you)

Aww George...! He's so sweet, I hope he finds himself a little sailor.

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