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Installing wifi router

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netibiza | 14:27 Wed 15th Jul 2009 | Technology
513 Answers
How easy is it to install a wifi router by oneself (me being not too technical), I do have adsl. if I buy a Belkin in England will it work ov er here in Spain with telefonica. it's just that telefonica charge almost double for this service.


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Yoohoo folks and G'day Dolly .My knees send their deepest sypmathy to your knees:)
I've just come back from the hospital where they are not happy with my leg .I've now got some really strong steroid cream,more pills and had to leave more blood there for them to look at .So I still have to go back again as I appear to have developed something called Panniculitis ,some sort of infection in the tissue in the leg. I thought it was clearing up and now I'm back where I started.
I am so fed up with it.
Still dreary here but not so quite cold .
Toodlepip for now .
oh bloomin heck shaney, I'd be more than fed up with that too...I'd never heard of it & I can't say I'm much wiser having looked it up but it sounds horrible...hope it gets better pdq. Life's bad enough in this weather with aches 'n pains without any added problems. Throw some plates, I would.

<rolls neti's humbugs in dog hairs and puts 'em back in the packet>
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Hah! that won't stop me Robi! yum yum!

Poor shaney, you do seem to suffer, I put it down to your lifestyle when younger! Obviously a raver!!! I've realised that for every thing we did when young there is a reaction now, ie my teeth at the side are disappearing fast cos I used to open beer bottles with them, it was my party trick, but now, oh how I wish...........
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Did any of you see "over here", it's about when the yanks in the war came to live amongst the Brits, I'm downloading it at moment, hope it's as good as it sounds, might even see my real father!
No neti, I didn't see that, when was it on?
Are you still watching Corrie? I think I'm gonna give it a miss for a while, it's gone down the pan big time stylie*...
apologies to non soap fans but into each life some suds must fall :o)

*Stephen Fry used 'big time stylie' in a recent QI & it sounded hilarious..."Cheese is the celebration of what happens when milk goes off big time stylie" ...hahaha, brilliant
The consultant did say that I can be prone to this as I have low resistance due to the RA and thyroid problems and it's the devil of a job to get rid of .Had I not been so badly bitten by those fluffing mossies last year ,which started the cellulitis and infection in the first place none of this would have happened .I have to keep the leg elevated ( again ) as much as possible .I'll have corns on my elbow at this rate . I can't sit about all day with me leg stuck up . I'll go mental :)
So,my raving days are over Neti :) I'll just go raving mad instead .Buffer it ,I'm going to make a bread pudding . And stuff it down me gullet .....with cstd .
Ooh I love that Robinia .. big time stylie ..that's my new phrase for the week .
hehe, it's a good one intit shaney? We'll make it our quest to get it into every conversation this week...won't be difficult, I'll try it out on the doc's receptionist when I make an appointment for my big time stylie dizziness....
Take it easy & enjoy your puddin'. I've got a madeira that's overcooked & dry, I think I'll have to convert it into a trifle...

...where does jno hide the sherry?
oh, that'd be it, neti, I used to eat hamburgers and stuff with my teeth, that's why they're falling out. Actually dentists have been telling me for years that I'm not taking proper care of them but it wasn't till about 10 years ago one of them looked properly and said the real reason was acid reflux - he could tell because they were being eaten away from the back. How come decades of useless dentists before that failed to notice I don't know. Anyway, now I take lansoprazole and no more acid, but if only I'd known back in the swinging sixties or thenabouts...
for all us dentally challenged types.
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Pam ayres is hilarious!

Sorry robi - just read the gubbins for the prog and its a reseed of an old 1996 prog on BBC, which means it was 14 years ago, did you miss it luv?
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Yes Robi I do still watch Corrie but am sick to death of gail's wittering and her manky face! Who on earth cares if joe died, they probably tried to oust EE from the ratings with a death but over 14million watch old Brad cop it!! BTW why isn't that body being found in EE that was killed by Lucas (can't always remember the names!) Why isn't the dog sniffing round it like it used to, but come to think of it, where's the dog gone??
Hamburgers ? C'mon now Jno...that's definitely caused by years of popping champagne corks with yer back teeth and gargling with Pimms :=0)
Oooh I wish I'd looked after me teeth .Mine are past worrying about .I put some of them in a glass at night :) But once they are glued into position you could never tell !
I like Pam Ayres .She's very droll and keeps bees .
Bread puddin' anyone ?
nah, I reckon it was all that swinging that ruined jno's teeth

erm, 'dog gone' neti? well you've had a psychic moment there...keep watching tonight... :o/

I like Pam too...whateva happened to the dolly/teddy on the dustcart? :o)
oooh look what I found, it'll keep you out of trouble for a while...I had a Tinkle Tonkle but I lost it, it comes to us all.....hahahahah
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Hang on Robi, watching tonight means me watching yesterday's episode - right,? cos there ain't one tonight, am just downloading it and then putting it onto disc and at 20.30 or thereabouts I shall be all bathed and swaddled in pj's and crunching mints and watching Easties! So the dog is there then?
Neti, it was on last night, tonight 7.30 & tomorrow 7.30
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Oh crikey, I'll never remember to catch up with all these, why on tonight, that's most unusual init??
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I liked Fuller's Earth, the smell was nice!
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Just heard that 150 sheep have been killed by a tornado on the mainland of Spain, so hopefully lamb will be cheaper for a while !

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