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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
I've been rubbing down with an oily, not myself, tho' heaven knows I could do with garden bench. I usually foolishly wait until the weather's nice & then I'm waiting for it to dry so I can sit on it.

lol @ dolly rocker, where are the pics?
I think the 'close to you' boyfriend is on FB, now without the lovely blonde hair but the same smile & twinkly eyes.
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I used to wear Dolly rockers too, so pretty and modern!
When we were young just My older sister and me, Dad used to sing this to us Shaney. sounds hard to believe but true. It brought back some memories that did for me. Music was I think the thing that kept us all together. Don't think hes German was any good though.:~) and this one Dad would sing the usual crimond and we would sing the Descant and I loved it then and still do by the way I'm feeling.
Sorry I forgot to put the link of the one we sang together The 23rd Psalm. I still now all the words.
Just click on the microphone and the descant is sang in the second verse.
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Oh jude, that is lovely, I used to sing the descant to that, and I still remember all the words, amazing!

My dad used to sing "I'll take you home again Kathleen" which makes me cry whenever I hear it!
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Mr N is after yer blood jude, now I can't stop singing the Crimond and he is getting cross!!!!!
Here's a couple of fim stars I photographed on holiday - you'll recognise them at once
Morning jno & all...yes, I recognise the first one, I think he's a relative, I've got his legs. Lovely pics!

Well it's raining...wet stuff is falling...lots of it. Actually I don't mind, we need it & it looks like being a warm sunny week from tomorrow. Hopefully it will ease the ole aches 'n pains.

Now what's all that caterwauling? This is the song the little uns like...altogether now
♫...It was nine feet high, six feet wide,
Soft as a downy chick....♫
morning all..hope we are all okay today? Shughy dreamed fireworks last night....this was after we had noises int ehgarden and the dogs kicked off so i let them out in case it was a burglar (it has happened once) so no early start today. We have just had brekkie and they dogs are snoring again :-)
Hello chums
Lovely pics Jno it Roadrunner and Rin Tin TIn :=)
Rain Robinia ? It's lovely here .Mind you on Look East this morning they said it'll go down the pan this afternoon .
The lovely John Denver .We saw him in Rotterdam years ago.He was brilliant .'ve got me humming it now :)
Have a good day all .
Yes shaney, much piddleyo, deep joyload. Hey ho things could be worse, my poor friend over the road's broken her wrist. I'll be opening the gin for her these next few weeks I s'pect :o) And lucky you to have seen John D, I did love him...
♫ Aye Calypso..... Hi dee ay-ee ooo doo-dle oh....♫ wonder it's raining :o)
<grabs jno by the vest straps>

Now look'ee here, since you posted the chicken suit each time I go onto Amazon I'm offered 'More items to consider'...namely chicken, rabbit & gorilla's that going to look in my browsing history alongside my classical music choices?...tut
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Afternoon all, hija was up and out at 7am due to the opening of the discos Space and DC10, probably see her tomorrow at some time.

The fire is now under control and I think some of the militairy havegone. And we now have rain, should have been a couple of days ago!

Done lots of cleaning and washing (and tumble drying!)
that's the coyote and the roadrunner. Funnily enough in Santa Fe we tried to get in to the Georgia O'Keefe gallery but it was closed for rehanging; but we did find a Chuck Jones gallery. He was the cartoonist who drew the roadrunner cartoons; I attended a lecture by him years ago (a very clever and funny man). Didn't buy any of his work though - mostly expensive prints, nothing original. (He's been dead 20 years but his family runs the gallery.)
hello all. We were going shopping in town, nearly got there but the traffic was evil so we diverted to macs and tescos and came home. Its raining here..lovely, save me a job.
Sis is coming to stay next week lovely.
Glad to hear that the fire is dying Neti. I am a roadrunner fan too.
Is Hija still dating the DJ?
Hi all just called in to say I'm off to bed to watch Queen,

I have felt really depressed today I honestly don't know why but I'll cheer up tomorrow when I meet my friends I expect.
I'll leave you with this song as it just about finished me off today :~(

Good night Biddyfriends, thanks for being there. See yer later 'gater(s)
Jude you are welcome. Do you think it could be the weather? That heavy dry blowiness was really getting me down.
Anyway night all, sleep well.

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