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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
The first comment I saw on AB was addressed, I thought, to me - asking about the £30,000 I had found in my loft!!!!!

I got quite excited thinking I had had a memory lapse :o).
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Am just watching the Queen prog now. In the early 80's Roger Taylor bought my friend's house here and asked me to be the nanny to his kids, but they were so out of control that I said no.
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Welcome back lottie, hope you enjoyed your hols!
Would have enjoyed it more had I felt well Neti. I did struggle somewhat to keep going. Not the best of holidays - I was really grumpy and wasn't the best person to be with. I did enjoy some of though and I do love it up there, but spending a day or so in bed on holiday is disappointing.
Dawgs are fine thanks. Shughy has started dreaming fireworks which is a touch silly. I give him a sedative (not chemical, it's milk based,) cuddle him till he feels better then we go back to bed.
Meggie shocked us on holiday. We were playing ball with her on the beach at Runswick Bay. She was in and out of the sea dashing about like lightening and taking no notice of anything. Suddenly she turned and ran towards the cliffs and before we knew it was half way up there like a mountain goat until she reached a herring gull nest half way up (almost a vertical drop). Obviously they had caught her eye, but we got no warning. Of course she went into selective deafness mode, until the herring gulls flew at her (probably not much smaller than she is). One of them aimed at her (sh1t) which I believe is the final warning before attack and down the cliff she came, again as nimble as a mountain goat. I can't believe how quickly she can climb. She jumped down the last 8 or 9 feet!! Not a care in the world. Not bad for a nine year old.
Your heart goes into your mouth doesn't it?
Night night Woofy. Yes, my heart was in my mouth!! It all happened so quickly and all we could do was watch!!

Little B******* !!
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Good morning Biddies! Raining here! so I can be one of you lot again! Have to take hija (who has just arrived home after going out at 7am on Monda!) to sign on at 12 and I hate driving in the rain, really frightens me!

Gums are playing up, have a big lump there now, but seeing the dentist tomorrow!

Hope you all have a good day, and lottie get yer holiday washing done!
sunny here, please send rain from Ibiza, otherwise how am I going to feel depressed? Took some Night Nurse and slept for about 10 hours last night (watching a programme on ancient Egyupt was enough to set me off), plus went to see the dentist yesterday who said the bone in the socket was exposed and filled it full of seaweed, some sort of minty thing which hopefully will stop my mouth hurting. And it's sunny, though I'm sure it can't last. So I'm feeling I could actually, you know, walk around and do things.

Sorry your holiday didn't cheer you up much, Lottie, but look on the bright side - you could have paid a fortune and gone to the Maldives, and that would have been a much more expensive way of feeling poorly.
yes jno there is always that...really expensive misery lol Its a bright day here and we are all fine (touching wood) see youse later
Just a quick hellooo and welcome back to Lottie...getting nowhere fast today. And the sun's gone in, it was glorious at 7am, tut.

Back later....
Morning Biddyfriends I'm off to the dentist for a checkup see y'all later....
Lottie - sorry you were poorly on your holiday will chat more later...x
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Oh jude, fancy going to the dentist if nothing hurts!

Lovely and wintry here today, am lovin' it!
Good afternoon. Still very sunny here, but I can see some clouds gathering. Have bought myself a shredder and managed to jam it in the first 60 seconds!!

See you later.
Pretty picture. Any people living in Ibiza should avoid it!!

Taken this morning at 8.00am!
Well I'm finally back, but still got nothing exciting to report....I did sleep well last night though, so well in fact I haven't really woken up all day. Hey ho, I can't win, tired if I don't sleep, tired if I do. :o)

Sorry you weren't well on holiday Lottie, I daren't hardly plan a day trip anymore, I never know how I'm going to feel from one day to the next. I still haven't shaken off this latest flare up.
Charlie was a terrible climber of furniture in his younger years, he used to scare me silly, I'd often find him balanced on tiptoe on the back of armchairs...when I first had him I came home one day to find him up on the dining table, haha. I used to call him Sherpa spaniel.
Lovely pic!
I had a manual shredder & dropped it and broke half the handle I did the job properly next time I dropped it & broke it completely. :o)

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