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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
It's ten past six .Do you think it's safe to put some spuds on ?

Huge grin backatchya Woofy xx
Lovely day here ,wall to wall blue skies and blazing sunshine . Bit breezy too but got all my washing dry .I've sat in the garden reading a book and listening out for the rumble of an earthquake and galloping hooves ........and zilch . But at least I finished my book in case they got the time wrong .
Hope you are all oK xx
Can I come out, I don't mean come out & start wearing dungarees, I mean out of the bunker I've had dug. It does look a bit gloomy out tere now I mist say, very dark & the wind's picked up again. The birds are bathing & feeding like fury & a little sparrw's just been & eyeballed me through the window, haha.
Well me taters are done so if I don't see you later/tomorrow I'll see you in the next world.
well reading my typos I think my brain's already left :o)
Evening all. Brilliant news Woofy I'm so pleased for you and Mr W. So a big cheezy grin from Derby for you too. I understand he still has difficulties but to know that his blood results have improved so much must give you good feelings.

It's gone very black over Bill's Mother's. Do you reckon the apocolyptic vibes are heading this way... I'm actually hoping for a drop of rain this evening for my plants. Yes Robi it was pots not posts, my typng was terrible in that post and I couldn't be bothered to correct it all :~)

I have managed to wash and dry a duvet today as the weather has been sunny but breezy so it got blown about and dried quite quickly but I left it out all day to air off as well. I've just got one more pillow to wash then that's my Spring Cleaning of my bed stuff done.
Also I may be haviing my brother to stay every now and again. He is going to work on the farm down High Wycombe every week and renting his house out up here but will want to come home now and again so I said he could come and stay with me. The thought of him going down there gets to me cos he's a lovely man and I will miss him very much.

I went to my sister's this morning and her new kitchen is now being tiled. It's going to look brill when it's all finished. We're going to Scotland next month on a bus trip so we were taking about that amongst other things. (Have I told you that - I can't remember)
Just eating my 'dessert' Yoghurt and apple!

Have a good evening all of you. Laters 'gaters
I'm getting really slap-dash at typing.You wouldn't believe I was a trained typist amongst other things would you. :~)
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Me took jude, but I learned on an upright Imperial, slightly different!!!

Well that rapture was a big fuss over nothing, the earth didn't even move for me!!

Anyway Mr N cooked us hamburgers and chips ( not something we have very often and i usually hate ham/beefburgers), but it was delicious, followed by Strawbs and cream, very nice.

Did lots of work today, hija sorted her wardrobe out (still crammed full though) I washed our bed and took quilted throw off and put on a lighter one. Have washed up the dinner things and showered and am in a nice clean bedroom getting ready to watch last night's corrie. Tried to watch Emmerdale but couldn't follow it so gave up!
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PS I actually went for a swim and a sunbathe too!
I did laugh at the thought of Robi coming out and wearing dungarees. Thank you for all the good wishes. We have had tuna steak (fresh) and new pots for dinner and are now going to bed as we are all exhausted, dogs too. Oh well tomorrow is another day cnythia.
good morning all, nice drop of rain here. I heard this on the radio this morning and thought of you all.
<better call em all on the landline, all the masts have probably blown down, it was a tad wild & wet during the night>

Hello? Good morning? All made it through I hope? I see you have woofy. Love that song, I'm always singing the title line, I've no idea why. :o)

Nothing apart from the weather to report so I'll give you an exerpt from the book...from the chapter about Britishness today

SIR - Never mind the expenses scandal, I wish to expose another very worrying development.
I recently purchased a pack of underpants from Marks and Spencer, only to discover they had replaced the flap label with an imprint which is unreadable in half light. Getting them on the right way round when I dress is therefore a lottery. Putting the light on is not an option.
I tried phoning Marks and Spencer to complain but wasn't understood as I now speak with a squeaky voice.


I must start writing to the Telegraph, seems a good way to get drivel into print :o)
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Morning all, yes all still here, hale and hearty.

Weather looks fine from the window and temp says 20º.

Voting today so I may pop up there. They are always thrown into a tizzy cos we are foreigners and they view us with suspicion, let alone the fact that I have lived here since before any of them were born!!
Lol Neti, take your Union Flag with you. I cut the labels out of my underwear cos they itch. All well here we had fireworks again last night, wayyyyyy in the distance, tiny pops and bangs you had to strain to hear but my big brave dog had a little moment over them. Once settled he then slept and snored through the windy racket, go figure. DH out teaching today so an early start. Time for a mid morning snooze methings.
Morning all
Haha the underpants debacle .I think even Jeremy Paxman wrote to M&S about his
"widespread gusset anxiety" or something like that .There were a whole load of letters in the Telegraph at the time .
Not bad here ,sunny and windy and we've had a shower of welcome rain .

Lol Neti ..they get themselves in the same tizzy here with Mr.S at the vote .
Have a nice Sunday folks .
Bright cold and windy here. Was going to play with the new pressure washer but it's tooooooooooo cold
so this doesn't sound like anyone's been raptured, though some slight improvement in healh, that's got to be a start. I just zopicloned myself and slept right through, but it seems to be somewhat less here than the 100 degrees I have grown accustomed to. One of the locals explained to me that it was a dry heat, then added 'But of course so's your oven.' I may have to dig out my slippers yet again.
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Welcome jno. we missed you. Photos please!
bonsoir...are you back jno? Yes, you'll need your slippers, fluffy dressing gown & hot packs. It may not be cold in theory but this wind blows up and around the parts...
It's well and truly addled my head, I've been cleaning...on a Sunday, tut! Well I got fed up of hearing it howl down the chimbley so I got the vac out. Stupid weather. I can feel a letter coming on.
And can you believe it's Chelsea week? It doesn't half come around a bit sharpish.
Evenin all. Oooer I av a code int nose and cant say plub jab.
Ad a lazy day, Just choppin a bit more wood for the brown bin. Our bin men are now only goin to collect 4 days a week and our new day is Friday starting in June. When's yours Robi.
Hope you are all ok and have had a good day. It's been that windy today. I think we had a shower in the night and a bit this am when my washing was out. I fetched it in and the rain stopped. I've been sitting at my lap top listening to Titchmathingy playing some lovely music and theres a ring dove in the garden chasing my lady blackbird. Little B****r.

Anyway I'm going for a bath to to make me feel better.

See yer later 'gater(s) and if I don't come back have a Goodnight.
Sorry I forgot to say Hiya Jno. Looking forward to some photos x
Morning all, bright and mild here.

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