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Mobile phone LG GS 290

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netibiza | 15:21 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Technology
804 Answers
Am thinking of buying this phone, have checked everywhere on internet but cannot find if it has loudspeaker/speakerphone which I need! Thanks for any help!


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It'snot all hard slog, and I know I do not look brown but I am!!
15:26 Thu 26th May 2011
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Ah, bless him, does it hurt? We had an alcoholic friend here who had dialysis 3 times a week, and the ambulance picked him up at a local bar and dropped him off at the local bar, absolutely waste of time and money in this case!
Evening everybiddy. Still bunged up but I've been to the Pharmecy and got some antihystamines. One a day. If they haven't worked in3 or 4 days I'm off to the Drs to see if it really is a bad case of Hay Fever, which I suspect. Didn't go to Tai Chi but went for lunch with my friends. Came home for a lie down and my plumber came with his beautiful baby so I had to keep awake which I really didn't mind. He gets wed on a week on Sat. rang me this morning and he wants me to get to the church early so we can have a cat before
the wedding starts at 2.30. Bless him. I'm not sure what to expect because he hasgone very religious. and is hoping to go abroad next year to do missionary work.

Hope all tooth ops are successful and getting better. I have crowns at the front and a denture at the top at the back so I can eat properly I've had it for years because when I had my children my teeh suffered greatly but I am really used to it

Hope Mr W is ok after his dyalisis. I can't remember if I've told you so beat me up if I have but I have a friend who has it3 times a week. She comes on trips with us and is brilliant about it. She is 80 and brings a wheeled walker to help if there are any hillsandhas a lovely husband who is with her all the time 80+also.
Sitting listening to Jamie Cullum now in my house coat. Still Coughin. Think I'll go and make a drink.
Have a goodnight all my Biddyfriends. Oh by the way what was the question Neti was playing up on or don't you want me to know Neti :~)

See yer later 'gater(s)
My ~Gardener rang me this morning not my plumber I missed that out.
not a cast a chat :~) I'm bloody barmy tonight!!
still can't get it right so just work it out for yourselves please....
very sensible, Jude - don't do Tai Chi if you're doing Ah Choo instead!
Jude isn't your friend the one who got the sarky waitress when she just wanted a few spoonsful of milk?
Dh is still peeing praise God (sorry Shaney) so doesn't have to limit his liquid. He says it didn't hurt and went well. He's very tired but got quite stressed about going. It has made a huge change for the better in his diet which is good.
I hope the cold or allergy clears up. I has dreadful hay fever during my mid 20's to 40 ish then it just went away again, very strange.
Anyway time to get some kip. Night night all and hope everyone feels well tomorrow.

anyone else remember this?
Pleased to hear all went well for Mr Woofy .So that's three pees worth of problems .Two down one to go ! Haha.
Been quite a nice day here,warm and sunny and the wind has dropped a bit now .

I think there are coughs etc going round Jude .It's this dry air .I've got a bloomin' cough now and my bro and SiL both had bad coughs recently .Mr.S keeps having sneezing fits loud enough to wake the dead but he hasn't got a cold .

Love those sandals Robinia but I can't walk far in those sort of things these days ..We all used to wear the original Scholls for work years ago.

I hope every one is OK otherwise and that toothy troubles soon clear up for Neti and Jno .I was reading a book about people who had to go into the workhouse .One poor woman sold everything before she threw herself and her children on the mercy of the parish .She even sold her hair and teeth .It was really sad .

Night all .Sleep tight .
Good Morning all. Feel better today thanks but still not right. Should have gone walking with my friend in Belper but put her off just this once. I'm not coughing as much as I was thank goodness.
Yes Woofy that was the friend. The waitress only wanted to charge her 50p for the use of a cup and when she asked us to do something for her I held out my hand and said 50p please which she obviously didn't like.
Going to do a bit of shopping today. Then I might sort out what I'm taking on my break to Scotland. I'm really lookinh forward to that.
It's sunny again here but I don't feel warm. Wint be do8ing any gardening intil the sneezing had subsided.

Get well soon everyone with aches and pains.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Morning all...oh dear, look at the time, I came in ages ago but got side tracked.

Glad to hear mr w's flowing freely!
Hope your anesthetic's worn off now jno, you must have enough to numb down to your bum then these days?

Well it was glorious but it's gone cloudy now, grrr. I've things to do outside but I think I've got a good bout of hayfever too Jude, my eyes are so sore they're constantly watering at the moment....It wasn't you coughing in mr ear'ole in the shop queue yesterday was it? If some woman turned round & glared at you it was me, haha.

Had an email from a nice Franck Laval who wants me to "Please write to me soon and tell me all about yourself"...and "May happiness follow you wherever you go!"....Another old boyfriend? Nope 'fraid not, just some 'company' wanting to sell me all the things I ever needed at unbelievable prices...oh deep joyload.

'Tis the Modfather's birthday today so I'll pump up the volume, play me air guitar very loudly... & wake up the baby next door :o)
Morning all Its actually very cold here. I have just turned the heating up...all fine, I hear DH stirring...laters...'ve been rumbled mrs s! wondered how you funded your chs & gn habits :o)

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Morning all you soaks, Very warm here! Tooth really playing up today, well it;s the gums, they have parted company with the rest of my mouth! Think mayhap I have been a bit too vigorous with the water syringing!

Don't like those sandals thingies Robi, I find them so uncomfortable and don't get me started on thongs between the toes, after spending my youth wearing them, I just cannot anymore and have just bought a new pair cos they looked so nice d'oh!! I am always barefoot in the summer but have to wear shoes to go to the village!
yes, the gum is going down, thank you, Robinia. Just as well the jabs went in the right place, though...
ow Neti, be very careful....
Feel so washed out today came home from shopping and flaked out on the settee. Just getting my dinner now.. Birdseye chicken and mushroom pie and veg. My appetite has disappeared at the mo.

See yer later 'gater(s)
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Oh jude, you take care and look after yourself!

Have spend 3hrs drifting on the lilo in the pool listening to Johnnie Ray and Elvis and all the good old ones. Couldn't normally just drift and do nothing but was so enjoyable, and I am now a delightful colour.

The next valley (Morna Valley) caught on fire and there were clouds of smoke and birds flying frantically and no planes landing, but I only saw one fire plane after 4 hrs but they may have just been checking that all was Ok. Sometimes we have to vacate pools in order that the planes can suck up water in dire emergencies cept mine is too small, so didn't feel too guilty. Am shattered.
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If we don't get any rain here PDQ I can imagine the same thing happenng in Norfolk Neti
It's as dry as a bone here .Dusty and really low humidity .We've had no rain to speak of for weeks .I'm coughing for England ....slurps more gin to clear the tubes...

Lol..Robinia ..I hate gin ,can't stand the stuff .I don't know where that came from .I think it was a sort of in house Biddy joke way back . She's a cheeky mare that Boo:)
I may have to have a word with her .

Bright ,sunny day here ,warm with a nice breeze but we need RAIN !
Lots of emmets about who are loving it.
I wish they would go on the beach though and stop bunging up the High Street :)

Just watched President Obama speaking in Westminster Hall.I thought his speech was very good ..
Hope you are all OK today and any aches and pains are minimal
T.Pip for now .
Take care Jude, I'm having dinner a la Birds Eye too :o)

lolling on the lilo? tut...if you hadn't had a rough time of it lately neti I'd give you a good thwacking mi girl.
I've been dans le jardin and my poor wrist & neck have had it. I wouldn't have pushed myself so hard but they're forecasting rain & storms for tomorrow...I'll send some your way shaney.
I don't like gin either, so it wasn't me :o)
And we know it wasn't neti, she was busy doing this one ...

> > > > >

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