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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
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Warm and sunny here shaney.
Haha woofy I thought a flyer was a drink of some sort!!!
Had hair cut again, it grows so quickly. I like this Chinese man, he's very good but then my hair is like a Chinese person's hair.
Bought some lovely lemon slightly flared trousers, look really nice !
Nose and eye are really bad is this heat, spotting and running like mad. Asking mexico to give me something to ease it until I get done!
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I didn't type spotting but no idea what I did type!
Morning all
Another dank dreary one .It's a real feel of 7c here .Unbelievable .I'm sure it was warmer than this in the winter.
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Oh what a day. My new phone buffered up kept testing for 3hrs and counting. Luckily had faithful Samsung to use.
Morning...cold dull and windy here too. I put my big padded coat on yesterday to go to the shops thinking I might be the only odd bod but not so, all the fur trimmed parkas and boots were out there.
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Lovely weather here. I can't get used to his phone again. Driving me mad!!!
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Jude or anyone with a samsung, how do i make shortcuts on phone so they appear on screen?? And how do I get proper ab site not this stupid mobile one?
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Cant even get into technology to ask. !!
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Hi all and well done Neti. Pleased you got sorted. I just keep trying by pressing keys and using logic which usually does it but please don't ask me to explain how I did it afterwards.
Hope everybiddy's ok. Haven't caught up yet but will do soon.

Well I'm back. A brilliant 4 days and nights in York. Then down to Bracknell to see my Bro and 2 of his friends in a Guitar Night. Superb. Playing their own Songs and tunes a lot of the time. Then back home to get to the hospital for the stitches out of both sides of my wrist. I am now all sorted and ready to get cracking walking again. In fact started today but only walked into town to get my July to June Diary.
Regards my wrist I have a 6 month open appointment for Carlos Heras Pelau and the Physio Therapist if I have any problems but I have to say it feels brilliant now. What a surgeon..amazing.
Going to read your posts now so I can catch up with what you've been up to and also hoping you're all feeling well and happy.
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Welcome back jude.
I am on a roll. My phone kept retesting itself and squealing, so I have jsut pressed a few buttons and it is now working again! ( god I'm good) Now it oibviously went wrong so do I take it back and they just will not understand what went wrong or keep it and day nuffin'? Think I'll start up my own repair shop!
getting warmer here. Doc gave me some eye gel to sort weeping eye out until op and finally some pills for the nail fungus which I cant get rid of.
Well I've just done my catching up.
Shaney your leg, what can I say, isn't it taking a long time. I'd be going nuts. I really hope it is improving more. I think it was you who has some musical neighbours. Well, I have only heard slamming doors from mine since I came home.
Robi, you live so near and I haven't made it round yet, but I will now I'm home again. Monday may be the day if that's ok as I have my painter coming to paint my bedroom and I like to leave him to it as he keeps me talking for ages.
Neti I worry about Steady like you do about Hija but I don't have to let him know I am cos he goes mad at me saying he's a man and I shouldn't. I just say I'm your Mum and I'm allowed to worry. Woofy, hope you and your sister will be getting together again soon like you do. I'm lucky both mine live near me. It's my brother I don't see very often and it was good to getogether last weekend.
Jno when are you off to the sunshine again. Only asking cos when you go away we get some sunny weather here. Hope you get your tooth-ache sorted.
I have to get my garden sorted now but not today. Not in the mood. Off for a cuppa instead. See you later.
Blinkin' eck I've taken up nearly a page. Sorry about that. :)
hi Jude, sounds as if the wrist's doing fine. Going to the south of France in a couple of weeks so make sure your sunhat is ready for when I leave.
Nice to see you again Jude ,sounds as if you had a good time .Hope your wrist soon settles now the stitches are out .Yep,Trini Lopez has been in full hammer mode all day and it was still going on tonight until about an hour ago.It's getting very wearing now.
Bloomin' cold here all day and the outlook isn't anything to write home about either.We put the heating on and I watched football with Mr S and knitted .England managed to scrape a win .They're gonna have to play better than that if they want to win in Uefa.Mr S.was looking in the drawer already for his flag:)
That'll be nice Jno .I hope you get some nice hot weather.
Better stop rambling and go to bed .Night all.

ah, I thought there must have been something on in Wembley, there was an awful lot of traffic around when I was nearby this evening.
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Good morning from a bright and sunny Ibiza. Perfect weather but soon will be unbeatable.
Hope we biddies are all bright and cheerful today.
Morning all
Cloudy and still chilly .Only 10C which is slightly warmer than yesterday.Nothing exciting except the local news that they want to close our NHS walk in centre/surgery and have a 20mph speed limit in the High St.That'll have the Streetlifers up in arms. I might have an outing to Morrisons later.
it is the annual jno root canal day today so I will be typing in a muffled voice for some time.
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Why is it either extraction or root canal? What happened to plain old fillings?
Had a lovely am. Shopped for 2 pairs of shoes and some makeup. Coffees with friends then lynched with Hija in a typical Spanish restaurant sitting outside in the shade. Menu del dia (Franco instigated these cheap daily meals for workers 0-10€ 2 courses and drink!) Really fresh and tasty. I had tomato stuffed with crab in a pink Sa CE and salad and pork loin sliced in pepper sauce with chips, 2 shandies and ice cream.

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