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Tuscany Villa

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VINNY100_2 | 09:43 Fri 12th Jan 2007 | Travel
508 Answers
have booked the villa cassanova for the biddys,can you get cheese on toast in the local village?caf� fran�ais. here..(:O)


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<loads pea-shooter in anticipation of more jno 'jokes'>

evening me ole china's.... are you ready to dine? I've been preparing a wonderful chinese feast for you.....
back in a min, I'm just putting out the rubbish

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Oh Zupper...!
< I wouldnt mind...but the bloomin boxes are dated 3/3/1969> er..just poppin down the offie to fetch some chateau de concorde...! only the best will do......(:O)
fantastic Vinny touch of class - hurry up, I'm just thawing a black forest gateau....yeh, I know, it's not chinese - I'll stick some lychees on it.
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ooops..I knew I shouldnt have popped in the jolly sailor on the way back....puts clothes peg on robinia's nose...looks so angelic when she's asleep...shame about the snoring...hehe..! now fer the .gateau...are thats a nice touch...! dairylea triangles on top...must be expecting shaney......(:O)
I have just come back from the doctor who has told me I have conjunctivitis....if you ever ...My eyes.have been sore and weepy for days and i couldn't stick it anymore so I went along .How on earth I have managed to get this is beyond me .He says it's viral or I could be allergic to something .Do you think I am allergic to chs ?
Anyway I have got drops to put in. That's a laugh..I am short sighted enough as it is now Shaney and I both have eye drops !!
Hope you are all OK otherwise ....dull and dreary here ...
Jude ....will be thinking of you .Take care .
Oh, that's not nice shaney....yep, must be a chs allergy so I'll relieve you of that thank you. I've run out & I'll have the Dairy Tremens by tomorrow.
I woke up full of cold ....until I looked in the mirror & saw I had a peg on my nose....
which one....?

hope it clears quickly mrs s but in the meantime...
if you wouldn't mind

I've got my goggles on's a bit foggy though .....I think the fourth one down Robinia ..the one with the knobbly bits ....all the better to bash him with !
right you are shaney lol....I think he's still picking the splinters out from the missing one.....
don't mix up your drops, shaney, otherwise you will be getting sharp-focus cats and foxes and Shaney will be seeing chs on tst.
a couple of bob martin's never did me any harm...not sure charlie thinks the same about his hrt.

is there any nutritional value in walnuts or are they just dried pixie brains?
I'm trying to justify my current walnut whips.
Hello biddies - am in a stinky internet cafe in barcelona with my daughter - have had great fun - the 4* hotel is wonderful, I feel like a princess! Have walked miles and miles over the last 3 days. Feet are killing me. Can't be on here for long. I'll be back on �Wednesday - look after the villa's sunbed for me. xx
"4* hotel" - oh give it up Neti, we all know where you are.
I make Mother Bates look glamorous - actually am at the Expo Hotel and on the 8th floor and I hate heights. We are given slippers but they are huge. Maybe I'm shrinking!! Everyone here thinks I'm a daft old woman - what happened to all my good looks. Will be glad to get back to Mr N although I have had a great time, I do not fit well into big cities. WEant my little villa back again.
* I want* that should be -bloody spanish keyboards!!
Bring back a little souvenir, Neti!
Sorry about the conjunctivitis, Shaney - it does get better, I believe?

LOL at jno's mixed up drops joke. Hope that means she's exhausted herself and won't be feeling another snowman joke coming on any time in the near future.

Walnuts are high in nutritional value and very good at least for vegetarians, Robinia. They are fat but it's 'good fat.'
Well ...I'm fine as a fiddle ..I have just chased two cats ..eaten my Senior food and am now asleep under the kitchen table .Shaney is just peeling some potatoes for dinner .

Walnuts ? Not with my teeth !
Is there any decent chs in Barcelona ?
Ask him to keep it warm until you've had your nap, Shaney.
Lol Kit I have been known to make the poor old boy a hot water bottle ...or was that Mr S ?
Dear oh dear ....these eye drops are making me see things through rose coloured spectacles !
Do you think I am safe to cook the dinner ?
We may end up with a Vesta Curry !! If I can see to read the instructions ....what does it say......boil in the bag for two hours ?
Whew, I've been shopping badges for all of us, I need to sit down! Please let me not have gotten them mixed up now...

Shaney (To help you say no.)





Neti (It's mine but you can borrow it.)


Dolly (Where are you, how are you, come back.)

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