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Tuscany Villa

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VINNY100_2 | 09:43 Fri 12th Jan 2007 | Travel
508 Answers
have booked the villa cassanova for the biddys,can you get cheese on toast in the local village?caf� fran�ais. here..(:O)


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My gawd, if it's possible to play that dawg on a loop, tell me how.
hi Kit...hahaha, yep I tend to be up the stairs & in bed for 8 hours before I think of the best reply.

love the music, that's right up my street.....not so much Land of a Thousand Dances now, more a thousand mg's of pain relief!
Hi Robinia. So, do you sing? You mentioned the other day that you can sing off key, and that's kind of difficult I believe? (Oh not to me of course - it just comes naturally!)

So where's our Vinny lately? It's got to be one of the three:

1) Fooling around in real space (as opposed to cyber)

2) Close encounters with The Blue Screen of Death again

3) Or could it be... oh NO not that!
sing?..... I wish.
No, but but when I was young my mum loved a song called Butterfly that drove me nuts so when it came on the radio I'd sing along off key & everyone laughed. Recently my sister had a song on in the car too often for my liking so I resurrected my musical was 'Must have been Love' was it Roxette?
Thursday is Vinny's busy day
so he says

That's him!

Gotta go, the internet cafe is closing. Dare we hope you'll record and post your rendering of Butterfly, Robinia.

Bye now!
Thanks for the laughs Kit and Robinia ,when I was a child (during WW11 believe it or not!) the Teacher would ask who was the Frog in the class and immediately send me off to look after a class of younger kids !!! I have a very deep voice so no singing lessons for me (I've still got an inferiority complex about my voice but it doesn't stop me in the Shower and in the car) LOL
oops Dolly I think you just might regret that 'Frog' when windy sees it - you know what he's like for nicknames lol! I used to be sent off to look after the younger kids because I was sensible - it's true I tell you, stop laughing. Now you know why I'm this way's childhood revisited.....

no way I'm coming in here until neti's rash has faded, who knows what I might catch... 517818.jpg
Ha ha jno it's fading now, and as I said before, it was the suckers on the ECG, although I did blame me prada's (will they sue me I wonder?)

Daughter's goldfish died yesterday and I hate it when that happens, I could see he wasn't too well lying on the bottom of the tank, and the mother in me wanted to dry him off and pop him in a warm bed, but I knew that wouldn't be right. Will have to replace it, cos after all they mostly look the same don't they? I quite enjoy singing and I trained as an opera singer for a while in my teens before devilment took over. None of my sisters can sing a note, they screech dreadfully but it doesn't stop them, daughter's the same.

Lovely weather again today. I have a friend staying in Derby until Saturday, so if you see her Robinia</ > will you give her a wave? Ta !
oooh dear - you'd have thought I'd have learnt by now - sorry Robi and yes I was probably shouting - can't be bothered to preview.
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Morning be carefull goldfish died when I was a kid,and it was replaced...I told me dad,my goldfish had shrunk...size does matter you know...hehe..!
cut my finger in zuperbug last night (im standing in fer somebody 14 bloomin miles away)with a sharp razor..trying to get them sticky labels of the floorthere was blood everywhere...its bin stinging all to go up the treatment room at 9.40.the manegeress nearly passed out...must have lost at least half a pint...will replace it with becks tomorrow night,so no worrys....catch you later dudes...croak croak...! (O:)
ooh Vinny, make sure any transfusion has not only the right blood group but also the right blood/alcohol levels or your body may reject it
bonjour....dons nurse's outfit....any excuse to dress up....I knew my gadget would come in handy, come here Vinny let's have a look....
what colour do you fancy?

neti did you lend your friend the leggings? I think I've seen her.

btw, you can leave it to me to break the sad news to your daughter neti

I'm really good with that sort of thing
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Its been removed......!.
but now Ive got a new bandage...hehe...!>>>bloomin heck>>>>
methinks she was a bit O.T.T.
its me the nurse was very nice,she only started this morning,now it looks like Ive got one of those thingys from ann summers stuck on me hand...Help..!
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Do you want some lemon with that netti..
tut tut (:O)
Don't be so cruel - dear little Rufus - I feel quite emotional about it. wanders off into a corner and gently weeps (or is that a guitar??)
ooh, are you out of action nowVinny?
looks like matron shaney's been training for your tetanus

neti we were only trying to offer a practical solution, tut! we won't mention it again, not a word....

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