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Tuscany Villa

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VINNY100_2 | 09:43 Fri 12th Jan 2007 | Travel
508 Answers
have booked the villa cassanova for the biddys,can you get cheese on toast in the local village?caf� fran�ais. here..(:O)


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Only one mix up, that's not bad for my age! Here's your badge Jude.

Yours reads "I'm back by popular demand", Dolly - it's all a blur but that's what it says.
Gotta go, see you soon!
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Evening Super TRoupers....
Baaaaaa..! ive never known any sheep kip..tut tut....
help me off with me wellies please.....hehe..!
oh no..! ribena's lost her way home again...
blooming heck..jno's orf on her travels again...
erm...methinks netti's bin mixing with them ladyboys again..
blimey....see tesco's have opened another branch...
Every little helps just noticed the rolling pins>>>>exit stage left<<<<<(:O)
Thanks KIT, nice to feel wanted .I do look in nearly every day but I'm no good with the repartee (I was a serious child and haven't improved with age )! I really enjoy all the chit-chat and the little piccies which I can't do .
Still thinking of you Jude ,I hope you are feeling somewhat better .God bless .
Can't keep up with the rest of you ,jno gallivanting all over the world ,neti slumming in 4 * hotels and doing heavens knows what !
Robinia ,Shaney and Vinny all seem to be misbehaving one way or another ,can't believe the younger generation ! mind you ,you all seem happy getting into mischief so I'll leave you to it . HAHA .
Mr.D. is busy stripping right now ( the hallway that is ),taking the wallpaper off and going to paint the walls instead (wallpaper costs an arm and a leg over here and anyway can wash paint down easier ) and I'm all for making life a bit easier ! Time to go A T B Bye Dolly xxxxx
Morning All Thank you for your kind thoughts. I'm like you Dolly not very articulate I am keeping up to date with you all and will be back properly soon. Busy today Tai Chi then shopping for the wake tomorrow with my sister. Thanks for the badge Kit very appropriate I'm sure. I hope you are all well and happy. See you soon love Jude xx
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morning me heartys
tis a lovely sunny day here....nice to see you dollyall the best jude wats articulate lorrys got to do with it(:O)
better shoot orf and do a job spose...
must run (:O)
buon giorno....I'm rockin' 'n reelin this morning - had a hear-hache all weekend & a lumpy throat & now I feel like I'm on a roundabout....ooh err. (I've got some dizzy pills thank goodness, I'd be arrested if I went out like this)

Good to see everyone, I see the spanish princess came showing off - she's on cleaning duty tomorrow.
Dolly, Jude since when has having nothing to say stopped me? Why use 5 words when 500 will do that's my motto.
Just wave or kick your legs up to let us know you're here

think Mr Dolly's got carried away with the gloss

love the badges Kit....shame I've pinned it to my skin....will I need a tetanus jab? oooh nooo, gawn dizzy again....
Here I am again biddies - have been chucked out (oh I mean I've checked out of hotel) aand am slumming it again in stinky internet cafe. Am looking forward to getting back to Ibiza. I don't travel well. Have an extraordinary rash on both ankles - looks as if I've been bondaged and have absolutely no idea what it is. Can only think it's the damned Prada boots rubbing my ankles. Mr N is going to be very surprised when he sees it!! What has happened to dot.hawkes? Why is she leaving? She doesn't normally take umbrage.
......and I'm sitting next to some wally with a stinking cold, so guess who�s going to be ill next??
is there anybody here?? well my 1� is running out so I'll have to go if no one answers me.
Hi neti well I suppose you'll be glad to get back to George ,eh. Were them Prada boots made in China ? might be a bit of tough leather off a mad cow and you've got it round your ankles ( mad cow disease ) only joking of course !!
Which thread is dot.hawkes leaving on .? I think they take it in turns to leave and return later -see who gets the most posts begging them to stay !!! Keep well neti and everyone else . Must go .xxxx
Here I is everyone........ by heck it's blooning cold on this little island. Barcelona was lovely and I had a super time. Have come back to loads of washing and cleaning as Mr N also had a rest! I couldn't believe how quiet Ibiza is at night, in Barcelona you hear people and sirens and everything all night long, so I've had a wonderful night's sleep.
morning peeps...

Thinking of you today Jude x

oooh, was anyone else woken by a thunderstorm this morning?!
My whizzy head settled down enough to make it to the cake shop ...I was distraught yesterday, no cheese, no custards...tut! Anyway, while we all sit back & tuck in we'll let you get on with it neti

glad you enjoyed your break but I'm not sure how to tell you....

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!! and I wish it was only one basket of washing - it is many!! Must struggle on...........

P:S: George now has a washable dustbag and he feels everso posh!
Hi folks
Hope you are all OK .....I have eaten my biscuits and investigated every blade of grass round the park and am still asleep under the table the meantime Shaney has done a pile of ironing and cooked the dinner . What do mean I have been putting his drops in my eyes...woof woof ....Lol !
Hope you are feeling better today Robinia and how's that rash Neti ..hope you haven't got conjunctivis of the ankles !
Jude ..hope you are OK ..
Yoohoo Dolly ..don't over do it with the stripping ..I know it's hot but .........!
hmmm... Stan the Bulgarian seems to have got the computer up and running again, and has promised to bring me some more memory around tomorrow. He arrived dead on time, did what he'd said he'd do, and charged a bit less than he said he would. Not British, obviously. A Stanislav, in fact..

Loved the badges, Kit. I used to wear one which said - in small print - 'Stop staring at my badge' but that was long ago when that sort of thing was thought funny.
Good morning each and every one of you - Guess what the rash on m,y ankles was - it was from the ECG!! What a wally!!

Hope you are all well, especially jude.

Have just bought a new pressure cooker, 6L andf 8L for 39� which I think is very good over here.
a'noon all....been a bit quiet in here lately, I know silence is golden & all that but it doesn't really work in a chat thread do it? I hate silence anyway, I always have something mumbling in the's me tinnitus ya, that's not an allergy to soup hehe.

oh no, neti's got another new toy....hope she lets the steam out before she hides it under the bed......pshhhhhhh.....BOOM! hahahahahaha

has anyone seen the old lady from Kajagoogoo? she hasn't been in to see us for a while....erm, does she know where we are?

we could certainly do with a cook in here, I'm fed up of this self-catering malarkey.....what delight has Vinny left in the cupboard for tonight .....?


so what has shaney been doing to deserve her treat I wonder....??
Oooh chs bns and favourites ! I'm fed up with Gravy Bones. No sdns ?
I wish someone would bring me some memory round .
In the little computer shop down the High St ..he's got a big sign in the window that say "Memory is Crucial" ...I know the feeling .
So... Neti has a new toy ....grab your colanders girls ... watch out for flying chorizos !
Hi all and hi Dolly, it's nice to see you! You know what, Robinia is right, not having anything to say is no reason to shut up! Speaking for myself, my life is eventless nowadays for health related reasons - which also affects economy of course and makes it all even more bleak - and as for repartee, I personally wrote, published and marketed the book on l'esprit de l'escalier. All the more reason to fool around a bit in cyber space, Dolly, so schtick around, kid. (That was either my Bogart or my loose-fitting denture - I'll never tell which.)

yes I do!
(Just when you think it's all over, it's only just begun.)

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