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Should I Start Looking For A New Job?

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abbeylee90 | 18:12 Mon 10th Jun 2024 | Jobs & Education
347 Answers

Basically my hours have been cut in selco to 24 hours for 4 weeks as I am not grasping the products with it becoming summer it is getting busy and they can't have another cashier with me so if I don't grasp within 4 weeks won't be able to have me as a cashier. I am very upset as I enjoy it.



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Know what to put through on the till and alot of them have silent words 

Abbey, what is a 'silent word'?

PS Remember, you knew about this requirement - the codes- when you started, months ago, and you must have seen you colleagues coping with it every day when you were on the tills. 

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Typing in on the system different words to what you they are advertised as

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I'm not liking these 3 days a week and not sure when I'll get there.

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Back to 5 days next week 30 hours per week

Just as well you didn't start looking for a new job.  Well done.  😃

Abbey, that's great news - you must be very relieved (and happy)!

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5 days Monday to Friday. Still haven't been reviewed yet but still getting to know the products.

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So I didn't necessarily have a contract my boss and he said loads of people want more hours and I did overtime last few months but someone came back who I was meant to have replaced so think it could be to do with less hours 

Fingers crossed!  You might get a lot of extra hours with people going on annual leave.  Agree to do them if you possibly can, it'll look good on your review and your annual appraisals.  The money will be useful too. 

I'm pleased for you

So you'll be on 30 hours a week. Were you on 30 hours (ie part time) initially then or did you start off on 35-40 hours?

Abbey, 30 hours  is almost 'normal' full-time - and you might pick up extra hours quite often. This is much better  than the hours (and the jobs and the pay!) you had last year - and you seem to quite like the job, have made at least one friend there... stick with it!

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Yes started on 37 hours per week now got half shifts Monday to Friday next week 

Stick with it abbey.  You're on the up!!  😃

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Also going to a leaving do Saturday 

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What are you trying to post, monakw

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So at the moment they put a ban on overtime for staff so only like of any sickness or holidays and would probably only get guaranteed full time hours if I left.

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Should I Start Looking For A New Job?

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