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Time To Take Water Back......

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ToraToraTora | 09:05 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | News
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Yes I am generally a Tory and did agree with some nationalisation but NOT water. Time to take water back into public ownership by force. They are up to their eyeballs because they've just given it away to share holders etc. Gawd elp us I sound like a lefty but in this area I do think Labour should do what they are famous for and nationalise water without compensation, they've had enough dosh out of us.



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a core utility should not be owned by private interests. a private company exists to create value for those who own it... there are many areas of the economy where this works excellently but not with a basic utility like water
12:53 Tue 09th Jul 2024
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I should have said I do agree with some privatisation.

Same here with South West Water, most expensive and the service isn't great.  The shareholders do alright though.  Expensive water then we have to filter it as it tastes horrible otherwise and it clogs up the kettles etc with limescale if we don't.

Nationalising the water wouldn't stop the limescale, you either live in a hard water area or you don't.  

Can the government afford to take control of the water?  Wasn't it the Tory government that agreed to the sewerage overflow in to the waterways and seas?

Fully approve, if the money can be found, to bring water back into public ownership.  Get rid of paying by volume used for domestic users too.  Sufficient water is a necessity for health reasons affecting the whole neighbourhood; no one household should feel they have to skimp on it.  (Monitoring and investigating apparent excess is fair enough, leaks need to be noted and fixed.)

Wont stop the limescale but may bring down the price instead of it going to shareholders.

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barry this isn't about limescale! It's about neglect of the infrastructure, sewage getting pumped into rivers and lakes. Cronic under investment in the infrastructure. How can Thames water be £15bn in debt? How? I know because they run it for the benefit of the suits and shareholders. That's wrong, their job is to deliver clean water to the public and not fill our rivers and lakes with sewage because the system can't cope with a rain storm. I don't know why anyone would think this is about limescale.

I was just responding to theshedman's post where he mentioned limescale.

I only mentioned the limescale because apart from the most expensive water we then have to buy filters which are not cheap to be able to drink the stuff.

How much do you pay for water, theshedman?  Is it metered?

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I'm not talking about tiny irrelevant details. This is about the big picture.

I doubt that was barry's major moan. Just letting off steam.  I'm sure the water company could filter out calcium carbonate along with other "nasties", but it isn't really harmful so it may be more efficient to let consumers who don't want it get their own water softener.


I'm more miffed that,  having let the companies lay their pipes in my garden i  order that they can connect to my house, they then have the cheek to say responsibility for their maintenance isn't theirs. The connection point where responsibility changes should be some specific "box" inside, near where their pipe enters the house.

Sorry, shedman, not barry.

Clearly not had sufficient coffee yet this morning.

(I blame it on it being decaffeinated.)


It is metered now and we pay a lot less than we used to.  We were paying £110 a month 10 years ago before we switched to a meter.

Good heavens!  I pay £15 a month.

OG, did you let them lay the pipes in your garden to connect the pipes to your house?  

The householder has always been responsible for the pipes on their land up to the connection on the pavement/road

I agree that water should be nationalised, so should gas, electricity and the whole rail network

Our water is paid for as part of our Council Tax. 

Water supply is a necessity, letting private companies get their paws on it was a bad idea. 

I am sure it will be on Starmer's list of things to do.


Interesting, but Jonathan Reynolds, the new business secretary doesn't want to nationalise Thames Water.  Don't know if someone can make this link work:


Just paid my 6 monthly bill of £285. And this is without a meter!

Our water rates are low.  We're in the country and have no mains drainage and we have a water meter which makes water cheaper.

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