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A reminder of what Merseyside Police Assistant Chief Constable Jenny Sims said,

"Police and our partners also want to remind people of the dangers of misinformation and speculation online and how it can have real world consequences that put innocent people in harm’s way.

People who maliciously spread misinformation wants to cause division and hatred in our communities and it’s completely unacceptable.

I would continue to ask people to be mindful of the damage that such actions can cause and to always question the source of information when viewing anything on social media."

andy-hughes; // So is your nasty un-Christian high-handed vengefulness.//


Strange that you seem to be the only person troubled by it. Why could that be ?

In 15 years & 4,000 posts I have had many disagreements on AB, but no one else has ever said I was un-Christian, high-handed or vengeful. 

There's a first time for everything. 

“A reminder of what Merseyside Police Assistant Chief Constable Jenny Sims said,

"Police and our partners also want to remind people of the dangers of misinformation and speculation online and how it can have real world consequences that put innocent people in harm’s way.”

The ACC is suffering  a delusion.

People are not taking to the streets as a result of misinformation or speculation. This is the order of events:

1. People see tens of thousands of mainly black young men enter the country illegally over a period of years.

2.They see them provided with accommodation and medical treatment (facilities which many already here cannot source).

3. Their government (not just this one but any one) tells them that nothing can be done to stem this flow.

4. They see a terrible event unfold in Southport where young children are stabbed to death by a young black man.

5. They associate (4) with (1) and are not happy.

6. They take to the streets.

They are not misinformed about (4) or (1) and have no need to speculate about either. Of course their actions cannot be condoned and their connection between (4) and (1) is not particularly valid because the person involved in this atrocity did not arrive illegally. But, as I said earlier, they don’t care. They are fed up with being told the country must absorb this influx, a young black man stabbed their children and that is good enough.

It Is no use the government or the police trying to reason rationally with these people because their argument is not rational. But they are not “Far Right” and it is disingenuous to label them as such. They are just ordinary people who are sick of seeing their country struggle to provide the services it should and at the same time being told they must accommodate tens of thousands of people who simply don’t like it where they are.

That is the problem, not “misinformation” or “speculation” that needs to be addressed, because until it is these events are bound to recur.

^^ hear, hear !

I'd go along with NJ's assessment, too.

Me too.

And me.

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