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Should Mods

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davebro3 | 19:05 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | Editor's Blog
147 Answers

be allowed to moderate threads that they they have already been contributors to?


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That's what I like to see.  A kindly word from a friendly face.   ;o)

Think TTT has been affected by "Woo hoo" knows who.

i get the impression that if you met TTT the two of you would fall madly in love gulliver.

"Why TTT?  Just why?  You tell us constantly how intelligent you are but nothing I've seen from you here bears that out.  " - to demonstrate that there is biased modding, it seems I was correct. I've had 100 post threads removed for one word. So what we are saying that in news every post must be completely dull. I look forward to fair modding going forward.

Naomi 14.29   "That's what I like to see .A kindly word from a friendly face" Can you actually see the faces of fellow mods on you screen then Naomi ?

TTT, //I've had 100 post threads removed for one word. //


I find that very hard to believe.  And no, we're not saying that every post must be completely dull - simply that titles and openings be easily understood by anyone who might be reading them, which is just common courtesy, and isn't an unfair request by any means.  

Looks like the Mods are waiting in the wings ready to pounce even when it's a post all about mods,,Unbelievable

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