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Will Work Think Of Even More Of A Reason To Reduced My Hours?

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abbeylee90 | 21:50 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Jobs & Education
205 Answers

So yesterday I had to go sick as I had a seizure last night and I've gone home sick before then had a seizure and they said after 3 sicks get discipline so means if I go sick again that what they'll do or could see me as unreliable even more of an excuse to keep my hours reduced. Only in a few weeks there's one full shift  for one day.



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Probably not and I just read shifts vary between 6.45am between 21.45pm.

I'm looking at them on Friday at volunteering doing warehouse in a charity shop after work for now.

Forget that one, abbey.  you don't want be be coming home late at night in the winter.  Keep looking - and maybe consider staying at Selco and doing  another part time job as well for now.  What about waitressing?

Abbey...if and when you take on a new job, this information I happened to come across on another question site might be relevant to you and your condition...

"...not wanting to disclose a disability in a new job is understandable, but your employer legally has to make reasonable adjustments which may include (unpaid) time off for appointments."

"Be aware that if you do not declare your conditions you have zero protection if they are unhappy with you attending appointments etc, or if your health affects your performance in any way."...this is important if you have a seizure. 

"If you declare the disability, then even if you're employed under 2 years they can't sack you because of it. And they have to make reasonable adjustments.

If you don't declare it and you miss work and you're under 2 years employment they can fire you being unreliable. And because you didn't declare it you'll have a very difficult time claiming disability discrimination."

So...make sure they know about your dyspraxia and seizures...even if they only happen every few years.


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Naomi waitresses is late nights. That what I'm trying to find full time or another part time that will fit round selco.

How about going round the agencies again?

Or part time work in a shop or supermarket?

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Aslong as thier permanent and I've applied for one 20 hour contract I'm a shop

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Abbey- I came across this site which offers a service that may be relevant given your learning/processing difficulties, anxiety, mental health/depression, seizures and general inability to make basic decisions, and I really think you should talk to your mum and GP again and consider something like this

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We been to hospital

Why have you been to hospital?

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About my seizure

answer to the OP - yes,probably

And what did they say about your seizure?

Did you have an appointment?  Was this about previous seizure or did you have another today?

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One other day was only to increase my dose and I'm entitled to a bus pass

Because you are not allowed to drive?

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If I'm asked in an interview why have I changed jobs,what do I say?

You say you want and need to work more hours 

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Will Work Think Of Even More Of A Reason To Reduced My Hours?

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