I have some photos on disc but I no longer have a disc drive. Does anyone know where I can get them turned into something I can put on my laptop please? Snappy Snaps don't have that service. I... ...
I have loads of photos on my laptop (Windows 10) and I don't have them backed up (stupid, I know) Does anyone with experience know the best place to back them up please?
Gosh, that film about Bob Dylan was fantastic. His music was a bit before my time (I remember the mid 70s stuff). Well acted and well sung. I might even go to see it again.
I still can't decide whether I think he topped himself or was helped to get away. I enjoyed the series but the harrassing of the old man in Australia made me uncomfortable.
Anyone here got any personal experience of making wine from fruit please? I have picked quite a large amount of plums and thought I might make wine with them. I know you are supposed to put the... ...
I have always voted for the same party (as a lot of people do) but have become a bit disillusioned with most of them. This is the first election where I havent' known who to vote for. But Keir... ...
Right, I know this sounds like a silly question and I could google it but - when you bought a car in the 'old days' it would have (eg) an engine capacity of 1700 and could do 0 - 60 in 8.8 secs... ...
Can this Denon be used with 20 watt, 4 ohm speakers? I read somewhere that there is less damage to speakers from an overpowered amp than an underpowered amp (not that I have looked at the amp... ...