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Are Homebase and Tesco open tomorrow at all?
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but I amight! I have to keep signing in all the time, ticked the box and all that, have I fallen foul of the Spare Ed? LOL & PMSL and all of the other things I say ! Bobbi...
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http://www.dailymail....etitions-history.html Last once again, should we now consider pulling out of the European Song Contest? We are either no good at composing the right type of music, no good at...
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fӓrg vartvit papper (they are all from the same language) thank you...
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At the back of my house all the bricks look manky... so I'm painting half of the wall cream (the back doors on the same wall). I'm then going to paint the fence panels dark brown and the concrete...
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We fly tomorrow with our 5mth and 5yr old children. I know for a fact the baby is going to be hell! Fortunately its a short flight to Malaga and we have booked priority boarding. What I want to know...
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AB Editor

With the World Cup just around the corner, millions of England fans will already be booking time off of work and arranging where they will be watching the tournament unfold.

Many will stay at home and watch the England games, but a large proportion of supporters will be hitting the bars and clubs of the UK to watch with a group of friends and enjoy a couple of beers at the same time.

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is it possible for my wife to sunbathe topless in hammamet,are there any naturist beaches?
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Thinking of going away at the end of july for 2 or 3 days and seen that there are cheap flights to several destinations that I have not yet visited. Amongst them are: Cork & Kerry in IRELAND...
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and when i cut it, it was black inside, i threw it away, and cut another and it was just a bit black so i cut away the black bit and ate the potato, now i have diarrhoea and awful tummy cramps and...
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Anyone know of any scientific reason for why many women end up a shoe size bigger after child brith, Irrespective of their weight! I have lost all my baby weight but my shoe size has gone from a 5 to...
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whats the point in being one?
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I just sat down with a nice hot cup of coffee and a couple of biccies. I dunked in a custard cream but I don't like the sensation of the biscuit going mushy with the firmer cream inside. Onto the...
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is there a website where you can see what countrys you fly over when airborne,,,or the flight path it takes flying to different parts of the world . thank you...
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the mrs doesnt know it yet
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as its been soooo hot today and everyones been dripping, which part of ya body starts sweating first? my nose starts first!! must have got lots of open pores!!...
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Is it true or an urban myth that Guiness is packed with iron and good for you?
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I am staying in Houston Texas for 3 nights in July. Can anybody tell me best area to stay in that would be within walking distance of bars and shops etc.
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Does anyone else think BBQs are the scourge of suburbia? I was sitting in my terraced garden this afternoon and the people 2 doors away fired up the BBQ. Apart from the fact that I can`t understand...

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