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Research has announced that kissing means more to women than men. Women use it to assess a man as a partner, maintaining intimacy and for checking the status of a relationship. Do you agree with this?...
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I'm going on holiday on Thursday to Lanzarote all inclusive with my Boyfriend. how much spending money do you think we should take for both of us? We are going for 2 weeks and have about 1000E so far?...
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we were stood in HMV me and my other alf and he asked me whether i wanted a DVD box set (among other things) for my birthday, i declined nicely just tolling up how much money he mustve aleady spent...
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okay, i might get assasinated by MI5 or some secret government organisation (and for their refence, im not thinking about it!) but i was wondering, what would actually happen if someone assassinated...
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Hi everyone, I am ten weeks along and am feeling really crap at the moment. Asides from being spotty, sleepy, moody, bloated, (sounds like the seven dwarfs so far!) and sore boobed, also I feel...
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Has anyone thought that they might be pregnant just after there period and had to wait a whole month to do a test? Longest month of your life!!!
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In the middle of a temporary move right now and my birth certificate has been lost. My driving licence is with DVLA and has been for a couple of years. Have moved a lot over the last few years and...
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I was just on lunch with my loved one and he mentioned that I'd be getting my birthday present today (my birthday is on Thursday but ssssssh dont tell anyone lol) He said its gonna make me cry, WHAT...
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How do you know when is the right time when everyone knows there is never a right time?
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What happened to the question about what we look forward to about Christmas? someonesgirl posted it! It wasn't in the slightest bit offensive! Bah Humbug!
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Assuming my chilli plants give me plenty of chillies soon how long can I keep the chillies? If I put them in a vacuum sealed jar would they keep longer? I've heard you can dry them out, how do I do...
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gotta be the grub!!!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmm
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AB Asks
School children have shunned the healthier meals popularised by Jamie Oliver, with reports that 20% fewer meals are being served in secondary schools. Is this really such a big shock? Should we really...
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Have just bought a duck from Somerfield (before you ask, it's dead) I've got it home and I think it smells off throught the packaging. I've phoned the Supermarket and they'll say they will change it....
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Just been in the local chemist and there was a young girl about 15 yrs old in there getting her prescription and while she was waiting she tried to whisper to the chemist 'and do you have the morning...
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i had day surgery two weeks ago and still feel light headed and breathless. is this normal????
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I watched Borat the other night, not great but amusing enough. I'm amazed this hasn't come up in the media generally but I was quite taken back by the quasi anti Jewish stuff. I'm amazed there wasn't...
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Has anyone had any experience of food allery testing? I am looking into it for my autistic son but the prices are huge. Therefore I was wondering if anyone had any good or bad experiences of this so I...
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My sister (and bestfriend) has gone on holiday for 10 days and left me all alone. We live, work and socialise together, sounds sad but we have so much fun and im gonna miss her loads. What can i do...
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I live in a middle terrace in North Wales, and every morning my son's room stinks of tobacco. Not cigarette smoke, but sweet tobacco, it's horrible. To top it off, my six year old is asthmatic and is...

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