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Usually, when I insert a slide into Powerpint, it allows me to centre it by showing me a red horizontal and a red vertical line. When I centre them, the slide is dead centre. For some reason, the... ...
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I want to unitsall and reinstall my Office 2016 on my Windows 10 desktop. I get a message - 'Something went wrong' and giving me a 'Go online for help' link which doesn't work anymore. Any ideas... ...
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I have just become an Accredited Lecturer for The Arts Society. I need to aquire a portable sound system that will fill the average size lecture venue - say three hundred people, that I can link to... ...
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I was a little premature in advising Chris that his advised fix has worked. However, a System Restart has solved the problem. The only problem I have now is, Chris's fix means that Microsoft have... ...
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Every few seconds, my Word keeps freezing and flashing the 'Not Responding' message. Can I uninstall and reinstall it without causing havoc with everything else?
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I use AVC to convert Youtube tracks to MP3's, but it has stopped working. Can anyone suggest a safe reliable alternative that works please?
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I have had to have my desktop re-set to factory settings, it runs Windows 11, and I have put an old copy of Microsoft Office 2003 on it. Opening a Word document stored on an external drive, it will... ...
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I am climbing the mountain trying to get my re-set computer back to roughly how it used to be. I have opened my G-Mail account, and it tells me - This browser version is no longer supported. Please... ...
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If a desktop is reset to factory settings, is the data lost, or can it ever be recovered?
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andy-hughes I love the chord changes on this, the lovely tinkly keyboards, and Darren Wharton's equisite solo. Phil Lynott - much missed. ...
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I am really enjoying the re-runs of Butterflies, the most bitter and sweet of bitter-sweet  comedies. I still have the same massive crush on Wendy Craig I had when the series first... ...
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I have one PP presentation that has a black bakground on all it's slides. Can I convert them to a white background, and if so, how please? Thanks.
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When i delete a PP presentation, it doesn't go into my Recycle - does it vanish into the ether forever, or is it recoverable?
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I need to buy a replacement gun attachment garden hose. I can't remember the make. There is a large variety on Amazon, how do I know which one will fit?
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I am really enjoying 'Enterprise' and 'Voyager', I didn't catch them first time round. I wonder if a decision was made, in the interests of cost and convenience, that the vast majority of aliens... ...
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This is amazing, the very definition of bitter-sweet. I adored it then and now, I had a massive crush on Wendy Craig, her voice, and her eyes, and look out for a pre-Rodney Nicholas Lyndhurst. Not... ...
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A friend is renting a flat and the abroad landlord is arranging through  He has viewed the flat, and paid the deposit and advance rent via The landlord is not returning... ...
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I have forwarded a document to someone, who has requested it in a 'Text Edit' format. I have Windows 10, and the option to save in that format doesn't show up. Can anyone assist please?
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I have an HP3630 printer, and the programme for scanning has vanished off my desk top (Windows 10) - I think I read that it is no longer supported. How can I download software to enable me to scan... ...
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I have had to delete your thread regarding the young lady with the facial tattooos. The link you supplied carries images which contravene Site Rules. If you are able to re-post your Question with a... ...

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