I remember Kurt Cobain dying, I cried only a little. Im too young to remember elvis, lennon, bolan. did you cry? was you totally distraught? Im very very sad about richard pryor too :O(
My cat seems to have killed a mother mouse and keeps bringing the babys inside and chasing/ killing them. She brought one in tonight and injured it to the point where it couldn't hold it's head up....
I have always liked Davina and found her funny from when she did Street Mate to Big Brother. But in her new show Davina she has really let herself down. She seems quite nervous all the time and...
It seems to me that at work, it starts out that I hear an expression used in a meeting or conversation, and then over the months it becomes a cliche which I hear a few times a week, and it really...
What is considered suitable attire for men at a wedding on the beach in Florida. Women seem to have no problem as light strappy dresses and fancy sandals seem to fit any occasion but the bride is...
iv'e been here a while now and some of the names you have chosen are quite strange. how did you come up with yours? mines easy! and yes i do know this has been asked before, but not in my time!!!!!
Did anyone see the new sculpture of Winston Churchill in a strait jacket? I think this is a disgusting travesty of a truly great man who deserves better than to be mocked in this way. What has Tony...
Is there a law, or are there any laws. restricting the sale of items bearing Nazi related icons and symbols, especially things with the Nazi Swastika on them?
What do you find is the most annoying thing about T.V soaps?For me it is that whenever two people have had some kind of argument one of the people involved ALWAYS happens to see the other one as they...
why do some people feel the need to swear in everyday conversation i am by no means a prude and on ocassions swear myself, who does'nt? but it seems just recently a couple of people i have been in...
im approaching a small roundabout to go straight through it, i can see a car coming towards me opposite the roundabout, with no indicators, i presume he is going straight through the roundabout, as i...
someone says their was a tv with an remote control with a cable attacthed to the telly is this possible or is this made up, they are adament this is true