A few months ago my car was reversed into. The was some damage to the wing and the glass on the indicator was smashed. The indicator still works but has no glass over so that the bulb is exposed. Do...
Please can someone tell me how to send files from one bluetooth device to my V3. I can detect the V3 and pair with it but can't send files from anyother phone or laptop without it failing on...
I have debts which have become unmanagable. The main problem is meeting credit card payments and being able to afford house hold bills and still have a life. I earn good money and own my house with...
Is there a website I can go to where I can find out if I am eligble to any beneifts from the goverment, such as child benefit or married tax allowance ?
My company has just been taken over by another company. The new company have told us that if we take time off to look after ill children we don't get paid where as the my old company paid us. I have...
When I bought my house I took advice from an independant advisor , he advised to take out life insurance through BUPA who offer insurance at a garunteed premium. This means I pay more for insurance...
I want to transfer files to my nokia from my pc via bluetooth, but when i try it fails as there is not enough free space on my handset. How do I force it to transfer files imediatley to the phones...
I have a nokia 6230 and I like displaying pictures i have taken as wallpaper , however they are spoiled by the operator logo being displayed in front of them.
I am trying to remember the name of a film I use to watch over and over again a few years ago. It would have been made in the early 90's and was about a man who died and then had to be judged based on...
I have an intel celeron 2.4 ghz processor, but all the game specs i have seen ask for a pentium or athlon processor. does this mean I can't play games or only games for which my processor is the...
Can anyone recommend a website i can go to and enter all my financial information so that someone can assess and tell me where I am going wrong,, such as tell me better bank accounts or credit...
I own a small house and small garden and live with my girlfriend and our 2 yr old daughter, We would very much like to get a dog but are not sure what breed would be best. We both work fulltime so it...