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If it takes a man and a half a week and a half to work a fortnight, how many bags of flour will it take, and will the paint be dry enough to use it afterwards?
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Boxers or Briefs? Personally, boxers but what do other people say - esp women?
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Can i achieve a top healthy balanced diet from fruit and nuts or do i need something more? e.g. meat, veg, milk, bread etc.
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There is a famous riddle which says. : ' A man is looking at a portrait and says 'Brothers and sisters have I none, but that man's father is my father's son': whose portrait is the man looking at?'...
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What does it mean if a car is category D? Does that mean it is stolen and recovered? Or a write off from an accident? Thanks!!
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What is a psychiatric nurse? What do they do? How do they differ from psychiatrists?
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How do I stop my dog (Jack Russel 2yrs) pulling on his lead when I take him for a walk
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What is your favourite smell and why ? mine is TCP because it reminds me of when I was young and a girl I used to go out with used to put it on her spots . I can't remember her but the smell makes me...
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In response to an earlier question about the significance of Monopoly playing pieces, I'm in the UK and the pieces are different! I have an iron, a car, a dog, a top hat, a boat, and an old boot. So...
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While recentley downloading i noticed that many new releases seem to play only for 10/15 seconds before the music is replaced by white noise. Is this a recent thing and does it just affect new...
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'heights' is a problem caused by lack of self confidence. I used to have loads, and did heights easily. Now i have less and don't. This is the top and bottom of the issue as i see it. Anyone know...
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I am thinking of buying testoserone gel, to boost my confidence, stamina, & physique. Has anyone used it can they recommend it iso which product and where from. thanx
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Even if God does exist, should we really care? Does it matter? Why should we obey 'him'?
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When you are feeling a bit fed up, what do you think of to put a smile on your face - apart from the obvious? (This has probably been asked a million times but I can't access 'search' at the moment.)
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hi folks, Recently I have noticed that I am totally useless with Heights. I never had a problem in the past and now all of a sudden I get panicy going out on a balcony 4 stories up for example. How...
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Does he exist? Yes or No. How does he explain the dinasaurs, The Big Bang Theory and hunger, poverty etc...
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What is the reason for putting lime into a bottle of Corona?
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I have a large tree in my front garden popular with the local kids for climbing. To do so means they tread all over my plants and damage the fence by the tree. To deter them, can you get anti climbing...
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Probably a daft question, but do speed cameras operate during the hours of darkness?
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Broadband advertises as being up to ten times faster than normal connection, but is this the only stipulation? If 'normal' connection slows to a stop (as mine does) won't the broadband multiplier...

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