I recently returned to my car to discover someone had hit my wing mirror causing the plastic cover behind the mirror to break off.My electronic mirror still seems to work but i didnt know if you could...
My uncle recently died and left his 50% share of the family home and his assets to his son including personal cash which hasnt shown up in the will and a car and land which is listed.As my aunt is...
I currently have a nvidia 7300gs turbocache card which i want to upgrade.I have been offered a nvidia 8600gt but as i dont have a great knowledge of computers i dont know if this will improve my...
Hi my electric ariston cookers main ring on the separate hob keeps tripping my mains fuses every time i switch this ring on although the rest work okay.I have been told the chances are the element has...
I am trying to play football manager on my vista driven pc but keep getting the same installer problem message saying that installer cant run the game in graphical mode and to try and use console mode...
I have just bought a new pc with windows vista premium with an athlon 6000 processor and 512 mb graphics card(256 shared)and 1GB of ddr2 ram.Will this be enough to run high end games or will i need...
I was looking at two laptops today and was confused with the processor types.One was on a sony n series an intel core duo t2350processor 1.86 ghz and the other on a packard bell being a AMD turion...
Hi every time i try to enter a search on e-bay nothing happens.However i dont seem to have a problem with any other sites.Could anyone tell me if there is a problem with e-bay.
I have an 1999 astra which has been making a whining noise from the engine compartment.The noise seems to be coming from the timing belt area although i cant be a hundred percent sure.I know it is due...
I can hear a whining noise inside my car which i am assuming is coming from my power steering as when i move my steering wheel it gets louder but lowers again when i stop turning it.Is this okay or is...
I paid ?180 3 years ago for a complete operating system for a pc i bought off of e-bay which has just expired.Can i use this software package on any new pc that does not have a operating system or can...
On my astra i keep having to (once a month)spray wd40 into my bearing behind my drivers side front wheel.When i rock the wheel there is no movement to suggest the bearing being damaged.After spraying...
I have a gigabyte motherboard and recently due to my graphics card developing a fault my system had a crash.I have now put in a new card but keep getting problems trying to play games or even simple...
In the doctor who series years gone past i can remember an arch enemy i think called the master whom i think killed the doctor a few times causing him to regenerate.Does anyone know if this character...
I have been working nightshift for a parcel company for 12 years now since leaving school and have worked my way up to nightshift foreman.I also have a flt license as well as an award for a health and...
I have noticed quite a few scores on my windscreen in the path the wiper blades take.When inspecting the blades there are no signs of damage or tear on the rubber.Why are the scores then happening and...
My wifes 206 central locking packed in and when she took it in for repair they have said that both doors need new locking units as well as a wiring loom.They said overall it would cost 260...