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What were your highlights in 2006 in: i) Love & relationships. ii) Family. iii) Home. iv) Work & Money. v) Any others. xxx
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just to say i have decided to change my ways and will no longer be cheeky or saucy, so apart from my sensible views, i will now be mainly using this site.......... so...
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suggestions of where to eat in paris on a budget please
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Hello ABers, It's my B'Day and I'm in bed now, having decided to go downstairs early and start pulling up the carpet lol (I'm now ever so slightly cream crackered).... my new years resolution is to...
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Im a BusyBee
We've been looking for a different and nice name plaque/sign but i cant seem to find what im looking for. I see them occasionally on different properties, can anyone give me details of companies that...
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Anyone know of any good Bacardi based cocktails?? I'm hoping to sink one or two before going out tomorrow night and fancy something different! TVMIA ;-)
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So what is everyone up to tonight? I'm staying in on my own, just don't feel like going out but quite happy to do so and could do with saving my pennies :) Will probably get the drinks out and watch a...
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Your favourite EVER make-up/skin-care products please....the ones you'll always go back to!! *Cleanser/Face Wash *Toner *Moisturiser *Eye Cream *Foundation *Concealer *Powder *Blush *Bronzer *Lipstick...
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Getting all the questions that that I have been putting on hold right out in the open tonight - lol. Okay, My son is under weight slightly - he just doesn't sit silll,loves veg,fruit,hates chips...
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Has anyone else heard of the term 'Blue Mist' and it's link to alcoholism.....or did I just imagine it during a drunken stupor?
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I went with my daughter for her scan today. She would have liked to know the sex of the baby but they told her because they usually do the scans a lot earlier they do not have a policy of tell you...
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Partly for financial reasons, I will be moving into my girlfriends house sometime in the early part of the year. If it wasn't for having to (work cutbacks mean I can't manage the mortgage now) we'd...
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Help, I would like to get a dog, lots of questions though as I have never had one............ i will be working from home so I will be there all day, would never get one before as did not want to...
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is the incidence of cancer, MS etc higher in anorexics and former anorexics?
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Watching Ch4 at the moment, these two guys have to be the least funniest people in mainstream TV. Neither are clever or witty, and from a hetrosexual point of view, not in the least bit handsome. I...
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What county does everyone live in (or state etc...), thought it'd be interesting to see how geographically spread we are as lots of people seem to live in the same areas. Just give the one you live...
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Boyfriend has gone back away on business till weekend - I am all alone with the drinks cabinet and my pc,plus of course my chocolate orange,belt and other wonders. So who's wants a drinkey poo??
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My boyf is lovely in so many ways and i'm very happy with him. One thing i'd love is for him to have more of the grrr factor towards me, we kiss and cuddle so much and he's incredibly affectionate and...
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whilst sliding down the banister, hands free i might add, i appear to have picked up a painfull splinter, any ideas on how to extract it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?
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Anyone ever done it......vegetables in batter then deep fried. Any recipes and suggestions ?

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