Many people have wondered for centuries as to whether Tooth Fairies are real or imaginary. To those people who feel they have actually seen a Tooth Fairy, there is no debate.
While most people want to hear the truth in such matters, it is a sad fact that when it comes to even more important matters dealing with life and death, with one’s relationship to God, and with... So it seems that the pope is willing (unlike a couple years ago) to encourage atheists to co-operate with the...
Leading on from Goodlife’s ‘Atheists: When Will You Finally See The Light?’ thread, most atheists reach their conclusions through analysis and a process of elimination, so how thoroughly did you...
If God exist then what would you ask Him (or Her if you are a staunch feminist)? I would like to ask the following questions: 1 What is the meaning of life? 2 Is there life on other planets? 3 What...
DOES IT RELY MATTER WHAT WE BELIEVE /?? Do you think that life has a purpose ? c/p Evolutionist William b Provine say s /what have learned about the evolutionary process has enormous implications for...
I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts on what heaven will be like when you get there. I have asked many people this question and have received many different answers but the one thing I've noticed...
ive just watched the film "wolverine" and in it the man was lying in a "bed" which when he moved adapted to his body. is this an actual "bed "or just an optical effect by the special effects people...
Just come across this parody site. Anyone else familiar with it? Hilarious :) Warning - do not watch if you are easily offended on behalf of your faith...
I was persuaded to go on a Christianity Explored course because, they said ', it was aimed at atheists and confused believers'. I have to say after the second session I couldn't stand the nonsense...
Apostasy Atheism Antichrist What do they believe in Related Words A´the`ism 1- the disbelief or denial of the existence of a god supreme...
The Bible, Channel 5. I saw this advertised, and was greatly disappointed to discover it’s not an investigative documentary. Still, if anyone’s interested it starts on 30 November....
I've just noticed the new "Noah" film trailer on IMDB. I laughed out loud at the 2:25 mark – watching all the different kinds of animals boarding the ark (particularly...
I was talking to a group of theists and I asked them how they could justify the killing of thousands of innocent new born babies in Sodom and Gommorrah. Their answer was God's laws are never to be...