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I am registered but don't know how to use it properly. It seems to be all the rage so I would like to see what it's all about.
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Single or attached, it doesn't matter. Who would you drop everything for....? The milkman?, the guy from IT?, Brad Pitt? (these examples obviously apply to the ladies of AB) :)...
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Why does anyone care what anyone else eats and drinks? I just don't understand why people concern themselves so much with the acts of complete strangers that have no effect on them whatsoever....
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Why do so many people leave the house on a morning without having breakfast? I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing, it's sets me up for the day. The excuse that they don't have time is a load of...
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any ideas on how to clean a splatter guard used over a frying pan many times and I soaked it in boiling water with fairy liquid no joy
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Bluestone Just beautiful, don't you think...? :)...
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A family member (rather not be too specific), will insist on swearing and using racist terms in front of my children. #1 daughter is 2½, and is like a little sponge. I've asked them nicely to...
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On my thread here yesterday Evianbaby put up a link to a recipe for chicken. It suggested using "Kallo" stock cubes. I do a fair amount of cooking and food shopping, but I've never heard of...
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Just received a letter telling me my £200 winter fuel payment will be in my bank within the next three weeks. Time to put on the central heating methinks?
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Who ever started the USA craze here for coffee on the move. Everywhere are muppets with their cartons of coffee and mobile glued to their ear in the early morning. "Look how busy I am. I don't...
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Think I'll go stark raving bonkers if Radio 2 play his bl**dy song again - Candy? More like soor plooms for me!...
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Every morning, I am finding a thin slug trail, right at the foot of the back door. It's a new house, so no obvious holes or places they could get in, and it's just around the door. It's absolutely...
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Why is Saffron so expensive? Had to buy some, yesterday, and was flabbergasted at how much it costs....
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I have recently cut out all dairy products, and all carbs. My skin (on my face) has felt really weird the past few days, like irritated and the odd little tingle. I woke up this morning and have a...
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Any advice on after care for a belly button piercing. I had it done yesterday, it bled quite a bit initially. Just feels sore now. I didn't sleep too well as I sleep on my tummy.
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Hi Bluestone and slinky-kate. How are the noses today?...
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Christmas is here! The Coca-Cola advert has just been on :-) Holidays are comin'!!!!...
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Crap day. Woke up late. Couldn't find my shoes. Got told off by my boss. Car wouldn't start. Broken nose. Trip to A&E. Home late. Crying child. Crying Me. Dropped bottle of wine on floor (No...
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Did you have an invisible friend as a child? What happened to him/her as you grew up?...

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