I have been charged with saying a few words to a small audience on 6 June, the 70th anniversary of D Day. Is anyone able to point me in the right direction, or even come up with some appropriate...
The phone rings and a woman answers A pervert with heavy breathing says “I bet you have a tight arse with no hair” the woman replies......... “ Yes & he is watching tv---- who shall I say is...
I have just spent the last half hour watching a man wrestle with his car boot. He tried slamming it shut, moved the contents around, even a hammer but no matter how hard it still wouldn't shut. This...
http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2014/02/pmqs-review-miliband-traps-cameron-over-money-no-object Just noticed that Army chap doesn't have a tie on, in the Cabinet Room ! Where does he think he is,...
I am thinking of replacing my PC with a lap top but have been told to avoid windows 8. Why has it got such a bad reputation. Where could I get a lap top with windows 7 on it? thanks in advance for any...
Make sure you watch tomorrows edition. I watched it in 2011 & remember chunky-Charlotte has a hissy fit when her partner gets a wrong answer. The hosts rip the p1ss out of her....
Just watched his interview with John Snow on Channel 4 News, always thought he was a d1ck head, now I'm convinced. What an absolute prat! He referred to himself as an entertainer, surely an oxymoron!...
While I whole-heartedly agree with this, I find it strange that Princes William and Charles are pressing for this too - odd that they obviously a big difference between killing animals for trade and...
Have you tried one? from what I saw on tv I imagine they might be ok for a firm young breast, but not for a droopy one, am I right? think I may try one when I next go to town, not going to lose much...
Hello folks. Can you tell me what is green, has six legs, and if it fellout of a tree it would likely kill you?
Have fun. BA to the first correct, or funniest, answer.
Spoony xx...
Isn't it time they all pit bulls, mastiffs etc were destroyed to stop more families suffering? What purpose do they serve? A vicious dog can hardly be described as a family pet? Why would anyone allow...
I think Valentines Day is a load of tosh and cannot see the point in it. Does spending a small fortune on overpriced flowers and a slushy card mean anything? If you love someone you make the effort...
This question has been raised a number of times on the News section, and I'm curious to see whether there has been any significant shift since the last time it was asked. Do you still buy a daily...