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Do you believe the above saying? If so what have you learned today?
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I'm travelling to Munich at the weekend What can I do? Where can I go?
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i am desperate for my holiday ,counting down the weeks , where are folks going this year ? thanks
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Hi, as a self confessed shopaholic eBay has become a place of bargaining. I've found the most gorgeous necklace made of black coral, but it's in China. If I were to buy it and have it sent here, is...
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The Tree
can someone give me basic imformation on che guevara
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why is it that as become a sunday ritual that me and him indoors go to a car boot.At 8am when should be having a lie in we are a field freezing looking for bargains.Got to confess am a bit naughty cos...
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is that a stupid name for a girl because i said to someone and they laughed in my face
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My beatiful wife has presented me with our 2nd handsome boy 7lb 13oz how lucky am I Sorry this isnt a quesion, just wanted the world to know how im a proud parent again Thanks
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How many ABer's have a deep fat fryer and use it rarely to never? Have been considering getting on of these as I'm uneasy about using a pan to deep fry chips as it splashes and bubbles up dangerously....
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Why do some people wear their wedding ring on their right ring finger?
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Strange question but does anyone else but me find having their hair washed as pleasant as I do, I feel all relaxed and
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Hi. You may remember about my ex that I told you all about a few weeks ago. I have now met a lovely bloke and, although it's early days, I am so happy I made the break. To all of you in a bad...
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My girlfriend and I have recently found out that we are expecting a baby. It wasn't planned and was certainly a shock when we found out but we are looking forward to our new arrival now. We told both...
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Well my weekend was blissful until Saturday night when my boyfriend of 9 months received a call from his ex-girlfriend. He was sitting right beside me at the time when his phone rang but he has taken...
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I knw I need to lose a little bit,but my boyfriend has put on loads and loads of weight in the last year,and good looking as he is,he now can barely fit into any of his clothes.Even a client rang...
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We are a newly wed couple living in England, can anyone please us a nice honeymoon hideout in UK? Mountians, Lakes, serenity! is what we are looking for! Info on Costs and Hotels etc would be...
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Is there a recommended time that a pregnant woman should stop driving ie. 8 month
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I have a fiance and we are going ot be married in 2 weeks..We have been together for over a year and I have 3 kids by someone else.. I have a problem with him telling my kids what to do.and it's not...
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How many people actually eat their five a day fruit & veg ?
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Please can you help me?? I'm getting wed in 6 weeks and am doing a bbq for around 35 people in our garden. My problem is this, I have never done a bbq before and am worried that the food will be...

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