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I would love for the family to go abroad on a plane but the prob is my hubby who WILL NOT get on a plane AT ALL,we only got our first passports last year so we could take the kids to disneyland...
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How do you deal with extremely nosey friends who quizz you expecting detailed answers about your personal life and then are vague if you ask them a question in return. Why do they do this? I don't get...
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How many people on this site are prepared to pay a charge to draw their money out? I have gone miles out of my way before just to avoid paying - probably used more in fuel than the charge so is...
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Hi..i saw on the news about a 63 year old child psychiatrist who already has 2 children, who is now pregnent through fertility treatment. I was wondering what peoples views are on this.
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Is it tea or coffee for you first thing in the morning? I've got to have a lovely cup of tea to get me started. What does everyone else prefer?
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Is it possible for a mum and daughter to be friends? Mine drives me mad ... she has an opinion on everything and is always offering advice. This is a perfectly motherly thing to do I suppose - but...
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As an alternative to the grumpy question further down. It doesn't matter if I'm in a foul mood, if the weather is beautiful (like it has been today!), I instantly feel better and happier. What little...
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Have you ever lied about your age,and why??
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Whats the nuttiest job you have ever had?
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The thread below reminded me of this - when I was little I used to call boiled eggs "baldy eggs" (cos they like a bald man's head), and boob referred to them as "dippy eggs". My hubby used to call...
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Hi me & my partner would like to go on a road trip around Europe, has anyone here done this and could they give us some advice about where to start, useful tips or any recommended websites as...
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hi, I promised I'd let all the kind people who posted on the asking for names thread and we've ( finally) decided on a name for our little girl, haven't registered her yet so here's the last chance...
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zara 4
out of pure and simple curiosity what star signs are you,might help us understand why some people are so similiar in how they think or act????
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i cheated on my girl and slept with a few of her friends cos she two timed me. now i have found out she didnt should i tell her or should i keep schtum
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i found out over the weekend that im 4 weeks pregnant it wasnt planned my bf is very pleased as hes going to be a dad but i dont no how to take the news i feel happy but also sad i dont no what to do...
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...a stranger has ever done for you?
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Everyone at work is boiling so they put the air-con on... I'm sat here shivering... brrrrr. And at home I've got the heating on desperately trying to warm the house up & there's my housemate...
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is there somebody for each of us, and does true love exsist, if there is someone out there for me he is doing a good job at hiding his self away!
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what is cs?
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ok girls,how many of you would stop taking precautions and leave it to your bloke to take the pill?What about if he offered?What i'm wondering is would you trust the man to take it each day and put...

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