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The Queen and Prince Charles are traveling alone in a Land Rover on the way back from a lunch for the President of the EU. They have become separated from their bodyguards. The Queen is resplendent in...
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I've just heard on the radio that even before this case starts it has cost over a million pounds. What a complete waste of money considering how many people are struggling to pay energy bills and cost...
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Termites are stated to cause damage not only to the structure of the interior but also harm the humans and the financial resources too. 1.Physical Damage - Termites in your home can cause extensive...
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So quite a few females that I have known in my life from university and one who I recently worked alongside briefly at a school, are very friendly and talkative in person and then as soon as I sent...
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i only use my kettle a few times a week, but usually there is some water left in there from the last time. how many days can you leave boiled water in a kettle, and then still use it? i know it wont...
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Closing date 2nd July. Phrases and sayings with vowels missing. 38. FRTNT. Any help would be much appreciated.
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There is a cat who roams the streets round here , who constantly makes a sound like a crying baby / toddler . Very unnerving , especially at night...
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what do you call it? Looked up my local 'tip' and couldn't find anything listed under that - apparently they are recycling centres now.
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Can you buy brand new Hyundai 10 with gears. Not automatic...
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Another week gone. Another 'to do' list left incomplete and growing ever longer. Another try to achieve a decent score or two . . . My usual 'middling' start on the main quiz, with FOUR out of seven:...
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ToraToraTora looks like the Lib Non Dems and indeed the greens increased their share of the vote....
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(dont show the kids)
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FIRST OFF - THE BACKSTORY: I have fairly recently moved to a share property (i.e, its a fairly big building with multiple bedsits in but the bathrooms, kitchen, laundry room and halls are all...
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Richi Sunak is to launch a taxpayers Fraud Squad to crack down on criminals who rip the tax payer off .He has set £25 million to one side for this Think he had better start with Boris's Crony Club....
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Yet another Family squabble. If the (doubtful) sources are to be believed there is a conflict between William and Andrew who are both after the same Windsor house (William for his family, Andrew for...
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Following discovery that my younger daughter is actually still married to the husband she was divorcing some years ago - I am faced with a quandary. (See earlier post.) My opinion of him is...
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An amazing video of a skip lorry demolishing a few (fortunately parked and empty) vehicles, followed by the "victims" emerging to see what's happened. Driver unhurt apparently....
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I have blue tits nesting in one of my box's with no les than ten eggs!
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For free with their name and town ?
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Why should we pay for his upkeep ?

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