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Whenever i log on to my desk top, my msn logs in automatically, how can i stop this. I want to have to sign my password in.
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A nice little question for you. If time travel was possible, and you went back to before you were born, met your parets and killed them, Wat happens to you?.
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was just on the phone to my mum who's a bit upset about one of her patients today and rather than be supportive to her i cried with her... which just made her worse!!!!!!
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?180 for a TV licence!! Are they serious i dont see why we should have to pay anyway as it only goes to the BBC and noone watches that channel exclusively. With people getting more channels and...
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This is probably a stupid question but why is there so much interest in it? Besides it being an old ship?
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What was the piece of music you heard that first attracted you to Jazz?For me it has to be 'Unsquare Dance' by Dave Brubeck. Probably because the time signature is in 7/4. It's a lively, catchy tune...
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I am looking at getting broadband installed, I currently have no internet access at all.   I have been having a look round at different deals and am totally confused.  I will...
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Does anyone know what the marriageable age was in England in 1912?
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Is there a simpler way to get these seeds out of the husks? i keep biting the tip off, but end up wrecking the nut, its driving me mad! thanks
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anyone ever tried eating animal brains? worthwhile experience?
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my mum gets lots of woodpeckers on her birdtable, but i've not had one on mine. HOWEVER do they really make that rata-tat-tat sound on wood? or is it a cartoon myth? if they do, then i think i've got...
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Dom Tuk
Is it catching on. Will it be the next big internet craze like ebay.
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Can I have your views please on trick or treating.  All the kids in my neighbourhood seem to do it, but I wont let my two children.  My kids are quite young and would not cause a menace but...
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Why can't some people keep a beat?
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I've been "nominated" to make up the christmas cd and need ideas, i've got your usual rudolph etc but i can't think of any more! Can you please suggest as many as possible! thanks x
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You know who you are! Anyone prepared to own up and explain why they think someone in their way is likely to respond positively when they get up your exhaust pipe and flash their lights. This...
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Does anyone have a Sony Ericksson K700i Mobile Phone? Are they good and would you recomend one?
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I've got hold of a copy of Hoyle's rules for Poker, but there are quite a lot of variations. Which is the most commonly played?
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We have some sqirrels nesting down the back of our garden, either under nexts doors shed, or in the undergrowth or tree.  Does anyone know how many squirrels would normally be in a drey, and once...
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I've been off work for a week, with a bad back, today I went to make a follw up appointment with my GP, and even though he'd asked me to come back, he can't see me for another eight days, this...

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