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and now its almost 5am. I have had terrible anxiety all night. Feeling nauseas, but nothing happening. Very tired, but cannot get comfortable, I have been on the sofa since 2am. I am now feeling very...
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Counter intuitive and currently on my 'interesting if true' list....
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Can a young driver lose his license by allowing a friend with only a provisional license to drive his car? No alcohol or accident was involved, but the police stopped the provisional driver and...
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Hi I placed an order for a custom made bed in February and paid quite a substantial deposit. They have since came up with excuse after excuse as to why they have not finished my bed or why they can't...
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how can I thicken fruit puree? I am on a thick pureed diet and use Mc Daugalls thickener or cornflour for hot savoury things, but I like to blend up fresh fruit as a desert, but it always comes out to...
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Annoyingly the Sunday Telegraph crossword site is down. Is there any kind person that would be willing to email me a scan of the EV puzzle, please? [email protected]...
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For what it's worth, may as well go through the formalities. Already 2 back in the hutch, Cooky and KP just need a double hundred each, leaving the rest of them to get 140 odd between them. Not much...
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... out there? very bright, low in the sky to the south-west-ish?
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I belong to a private sports club. The club has a clubhouse which is built on land that is also owned by the club. Each year the value of the assets are shown in the clubs balance sheets, but it is...
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on a backwards clock how many times a day is time correct? thanks everyone
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Hi i renewed my norton anti virus subscription tonight and somehow norton knew that i had changed my debit card i only got the new card recently and i definitely did not update my card with norton...
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So it starts all over again tonight. Can Cook and the boys keep hold of the little urn? Confident or not? What are your predictions?...
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My son's laptop won't charge, and the power drains even when plugged in. I have an identical model, so he changes the batteries over whenever the one in his has run out. The problem is the same...
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Hi all Further to the explanation of my situation which I filed in the law section, I now have the dilema of my very recent become my ex now upstairs with his new bit. Can anyone come back to me quite...
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I am claiming JSA and doing a part time college course and I got told by my JCP that I will have to quit college if I get offered a full time job!!! but my college course is to get my qualifications I...
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Our land line telephones crackle so badly you cannot hear the person on the other end of the line and they cannot hear you, Should: (1) I contact my provider Plus Net (2) I contact BT (3) I buy new...
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Just out of interest, has anyone tried this product?
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Hi everyone, my separation has been coming for s while and I finally told my husband to leave 3 weeks ago. He has depresion and anxiety has done for ovr 6 years now. He was mentally abusive thoi he...
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Why do people (myself included), feel compelled to pace purposefully as they take/make phonecalls? Any thoughts?
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So few weeks ago my daughter came back from her dads with spots, I thought it may be chicken pox, took her doctors they said it was virus, Next time she went to her dads, came back with spots again. I...

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