My fiance was stopped for not wearing his seatbelt. He then left his wife and moved out of the marital home. His wife, has received the court summons as he failed to produce due to her having all the...
this country is getting worse ... we will all need bullet proof vest soon to go out in ,, t s/bucks/herts/6960590.stmhisnot far from me
Hello, i'm about 9.5 weeks pregnant (I think! dating scan in 10 days) and i have a bump but i think it's cake!! i have gained a few lb since discovering i'm pregnant and i suffer bloating too (bit of...
Can anyone give me a rough idea as to what sort of item would weigh 30kg so I can guess if my parcel can be sent by a courier. I already know about 30 bags of sugar,but unfortunately I only have half...
Hi, My daughter has exceptionally large ears that stick out... We have obviously never said anything to her about it but realise that as she gets older other kids will start picking on her due to...
Hi, I was playing with the idea of buying an old mini cooper, but apparently it hit the curb and has damaged the front dive shaft on the passenger side. Driveshaft out of gearbox on passanger side?!...
Amy Winehouse has quit her rehab clinic for the second time in a week. Her and her husband were having a blazing row and in the end left the centre and spent the night in a hotel. Amy has been in the...
Is the hormone that makes a pregnancy test read positive present all through pregnancy? Will a test read positive if you are pregnant no matter how far gone you are?
i have office 2000 pro, i also have some office 97 files on a disc. i cant access the office 97 files without overiding the office 2000. is there a way to do this.
i watched a bit of a film a couple of months ago it was a woman handcuffed in what looked like a cellar type of room and she was being tortured by someone who was watching by tv she was walking...
Does anyone know of where I can get a list of all the games released for the Sony Eye Toy? I have the very first one and time has moved on since then and I ...erm...haven't. Many thanks!
If you thought that your partner was cheating, what extemes would you go to so that you could catch them out? Also if you found them out, how many times would you believe their bu11sh1t and try and...
I was doing my weekly food shop in Marks&Spencer and there was a really good song playing in the store.I want to download the song to my i pod but don't know the title.I can't remember the words but I...
I have a HUGE crush on a married man, he says his wife is boring him to death, and he's ready to pack his bags and computer and move out as soon as I give him the go ahead! I don't care much about his...