I have just started a relationship with a woman 30yrs my junior, she is 21 I am 49. She is not a gold digger and Im not a dirty old man, we have just fallen in love. Is there anybody out there...
Who thinks Dr. Who is or has been scary. We are constantly being told of people watching it from behind the sofa. Is that an urban myth. My kids dont find this series scary in the least and...
Just had a thought, but I need your help, don'tworry, it's nothing tootaxing! It's about things we say that are sometimes just total nonsense.I will give you three examples to start with and you will...
Ok so my partner did a very bad parking job next to a pillar recently and the bumper on my Nissan Micra buckled in. There is a slight scuff on the left wing also. So we took it to a garage and...
Remember the jokes? Q- What do you call a Skoda with a sun roof? A- A skip. Q- What do you call a Reliant Robin with twin exhausts? A- a wheelbarrow. But now that Skoda have sorted themselves...
I know it's possible for friends to synchronise & get their periods around the same time, but is there any explination for why I get period pains when my friend is due on?? (& it's still...
Can anyone explain why certain people are always late? I have a friend that no matter what warning you give will always be late, it drives me mad. I sometimes go around to pick him up to go somewhere...
how are these in line with health & safety standards? they're there for ever, spinning slowly & dripping fat, so how do they not go off/make people ill?
Could anyone advise me on which small sports car is a reliable buy? I'm looking for a used car along the lines of a MGF or an MX5 for around ?5,000 but would ideally like something a little...
When do most cars reach the crossover point when they start becoming rolling-money-sponges and it's better to trade them in? I drive quite a nice but expensive to service german number, and it's just...
Read an interesting report over the weekend which said that the congestion charge had not produced as much revenue as was hoped, and that the number of accidents involving injury in the congestion...
My brother had a quick look at my car ans said there was a bracket loose around the exhaust. yesterday something fell off while i was driving. My car is booked in for a service tomorrow so I will...
I know-I'm sad but I watched it for an hour and just as Tess was announcing the reult the electricity went off.Cant remember the girls names but one was funky and the other had a real tight bib and...