Topics on AB very quickly become crowded out by newer postings and often cannot be found without searching back through many prevous pages - showing twenty at a time. On this page I see "1 to 20 of...
Nowadays one often hears people clamouring for restoration of the death penalty - hang 'em - for murder and other serious offences. Personally I could not carry out an execution and would not expect...
Is the so-called 'compensation culture' getting out of control? It seems to me that many people make claims for compensation, just for the sake of getting money out of someone who has upset them and...
Does anyone know how to temporarily disable Flash Player, like the advert you might be seeing at the top of this page? Not too bad like this one when you can scroll out of view, but they're all over...
Does anyone know if there really is a way of recycling plastic food trays, wrappers, packaging etc. other than putting it in the bin to go to landfill? Some previous questions and answers refer to...
My previous mobile a Nokia has packed up and won't work any more and I need a new one. It never was very satisfactory as the service provider o2 didn't support the particular model, I couldn't access...
Please does anyone have experience of an eczema / dermatitis cream remedy named Freederm HC? There are many references to it on the Internet - it sounds like a 'wonder cure'. I'm a little suspicious...
Firstly, can someone please tell me is a forum and a blog the same thing? I'd like to include something of the sort on an existing website, where readers can make comments, ask questions etc., but...
I find that if I highlight text from an email and then try to copy and paste it into a Word document, it appears all stretched out with a lot of unwanted lines (like text box lines). It's difficult to...
I treated myself to a new bagless vacuum cleaner (a well known make) with a so-called HEPA filter - one of those cylider shaped parts that fit inside with concertina-type folds all round it. The...
There are programs inviting you to download them to check pretty well everything on your PC and then repair any problems; for example RegistrySmart, RegistryEasy, Error Doctor. They run a scan and...
I've been creating websites for years using MS Publisher and uploading with Terrapin FTP. Now, for some reason, when I upload only the opening (home) pages appear on the internet and any links to...
Using the search bar (not the address bar) on Google for instance, when I put my pointer to the search bar a list appears of previous searches made, a kind of quick launch facility. While this can be...
For years I've had no problem downloading Microsoft Clip Art, but a hitch seems to have arisen and it won't complete the operation. I have Windows XP and go through the usual process of selecting...
I'm looking for fittings to hold a curtain pole firmly to the wall. The one I have is the usual sort with a fitting each end and one in the middle, each held by a single screw. The problerm is that...
Recently I read a comment on AB from someone who had found that a non-biological laundry washing powder gave excellent results. Coincidence perhaps but I agree, having been advised by a doctor to...
I've moved home three times and have accumulated a mass of documents to do with things like Council Tax, rates, income tax, telephone, electricity etc. Please does anyone know of guidance as to how...
I used a soil testing kit in the garden to check for acidity. It had dip tabs and a colour chart for reading results. It could also be used for testing water, so I experimented. Ordinary tap water...
I read on TV text pages that a think-tank has called for the Oxford English Dictionary to be scrapped and replaced by a website of publicly suggested words. How on earth can people learn to read and...