I've received an email from General Accident to say that I no longer meet their criteria for insurance and it will cease on Dec 2. I am the policy holder with my husband as named additional driver. We...
is Emmerdale? Jacob and his side kick ran for a bus then almost immediately appeared in the car park where the girls were taunting Maya - must be using the same map as Gary Windass.
Very good episode.nicely done but wasn't there a slip up ?Belle reading the letter Lisa wrote to ask saying" marrying me today covered in pig muck" she wrote that before they were rounding up the pigs...
I'm a bit naive on types of modern music equipment, I am buying another car which is 18 months old and have been reading about equipment it has. It says MP3 compatible cd player, we only use CDs...
Anyone out there listening to Chris Evans on Virgin and/or Simon Mayo on Scala and, if so, how do their current shows compare to their old Radio 2 ones?
Is anyone watching this drama series? Finally caught up with Tuesday's episode last night. Talk about edge of seat, roll on Tues for what I think will be the final part.