Hi I have just seen on TV an advert from Booking.Com about booking flights. Does anybody know if you book a flight and then cancel it, will you get your money back? or if you have to pay a fee to... ...
4,000 immigrants have crossed the channel so far this year and we are still only into March .With 514 arriving in ten boats only yesterday ,,,Yes 514 in just one single Day. How the heck can the... ...
When you where younger or even now, have you a favourite hero in the sporting world, that left a lasting impression on you. Women /man, young sports girl or boy, and if you like why. For me it was... ...
I used to log on here 1st thing every single morning, join the GMEB thread - which often would go on for ages when everyone joined in, then throughout the day I would constantly log in and read/... ...
https://news.sky.com/story/man-admits-calling-tory-mp-mike-freers-office-saying-im-coming-for-you-13066161 I think I know! Another moron who thinks the world owes him something. ...
I just wonder what sort of world these people live in, this is a snippet from:- https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/retirement/income-needed-to-retire-jumps-as-family-costs-rise/ar-BB1hTgxQ "A single... ...
Perhaps not News but News related. Just been on there to get a link and noticed they have something called mail+ that you have to pay for. Now the DM is useful for giving links that everyone can... ...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-68133750 "He said that would amount to about 10 million tree seedings being ripped up and burnt with perhaps the same happening again next year if the funding... ...
Going through my record collection I came across this one which I think is better than the original, anyone think there are better cover versions. https://youtu.be/sCluiViSnNA?si=0--aPGj0BjDAxawu ...
I do enjoy nice voices, men and women, and grating ones really bug me. I am trying to enjoy reruns of 'Call The Baliffs', but I have to grit my teeth when the voiceover comes in. Actor Paul Barber... ...