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Can anyone help with this question please 'Of which composer was it said that he spent his life rewriting the same symphony, giving it a different number each time' Many thanks Sue
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Who sang the line "Tonight thank god its them instead of you" on the Band Aid 2 number one? Was it Bono? Thanks.
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Eve,,30000-1 3556768,00.html Just out of interest what do you all think the best sentence would have been for him?
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not including those you send to yourself.............
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Does anyone else dislike it as much as i do? :))))))))) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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I was wondering who had written the report that happened after Dr David Kelly had 'committed suicide' once his claims of the dossier having been sexed up were brought to the public realm.
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joko i cannot quite believe how self absorbed, selfish and out of touch with reality this person is!!!
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i have never been one to want to be around lots of people but as i get older i seem to be getting more and more unsociable, and of course i do realise that as i get older i will probably need people...
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is it is better to do something and maybe regret it.... or do something and always regret never doing it.....
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i tried dyeing the hairs on my backside a festive red and they have come out pink :(
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It has just been mentioned to me that Al-Qaeda could be behind the Suffolk murders. Initially, I thought of it as hogwash but the more i think about it............................ 1) They have picked...
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Prince Willie having done his customary two weeks training has now been made an army "officer" My maternal grandfather fought in the great war and was shot and mustard gassed in the great war and died...
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We are having a debate in the office. I want to do a small poll ! Is he a musical legend ?? Yes or no answers only please.
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Should our government do more to support the state of Israel? I believe they should
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i love to see a woman in...............? or i love to see a man in......................?
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is it bad to want something so bad you are willing to do anything to get it?? meaning a person.....i mean i'd do anything to have them but how to get them i have no clue..but a small part of me...
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Have you ever been anywhere you felt the need to leave straight away? I went to an apparently alternative night on Broad St in Birmingham tonight and it was so awful I left after about ten minutes....
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Does anyone know which post offices are going to be closed?
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what things have you done or would do for money or gain....................?
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Im in the right category for this i know- my soul feels cleansed but my body is still craving for a ciggarette- ( sometimes during the day ) i gave up a week ago today and i feel dead chuffed cos im...

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