I recently had someone in Poland translate something for me and gave them ?20 as payment. My question is what can you buy in Poland with ?20? What is its spending power? Thanks in advance.
Im going to apply for a job that I've seen in the newspaper. I intend to include a C.V. and a covering letter. Whitch will give the best inpresion a hand written covering letter or a typed covering...
Yesterday I went to the cinema to watch the new "Dirty Sanches" film. When I went in I was the only one there and the movie was showing normally. My question is if I had not been there would they have...
When I press the key on my computer keyboard to get a "pound" symbol a"#" comes up. Also I have to press ' to get a @ and I have to press @ to get a " Does anyone know why?
My friends mother died 5 months ago and left her about 5000 pounds and half a house. This morning she got a letter from her mum's bank saying her mum owed 350 pounds on a credit card and as the...
I was with a girl for 9 years until she emigrated to Australia in March 2004. I have missed her every day since then. Now 2.5 years later her mum tells me she is coming back to England because she is...
Does anyone know where I can get some files off the internet that I can then use as artwork to be printed by 4 colour lithographic process? I want to use "The tree of life" By Gustav Klimpt. It is ok...
Does anyone know where I can get some files off the internet that I can then use as artwork to be printed by 4 colour lithographic process? I want to use "The tree of life" By Gustav Klimpt. It is ok...
I'm convinced that I remember being born. Not vividly but I have these memories of being afraid and feeling clostraphobic and not wanting to do something, also of being upside down. Anyone else have...
I'm designing a business card and I want to use a small section of a Gustav Klimpt picture as the background. Am I allowed to do this or am I breaking a copyright law? Thanks in advance.
To cut a long story short I'm getting a tattoo on the arch at the underside of my foot. THE most sensitive part. I can't possibly back out. Am I making a mistake? Ive never had a tottoo before.
My friend has been on sick leave for the last 8 weeks. She was expecting about 60 pounds a week sick pay from her company but they only paid 22 pounds. Eventually she found out it was because she...
I am a very heavy drinker (About 3 bottles of spirits a week, usually drunk neat) But I never have any negative symptoms. No hangover or tiredness. Nothing aparrently wrong with my liver and generally...
The printing company I work for has just closed down. Im thinking of starting my own company. All the names I have thaught of and like are already taken. The only name that isn't taken is "The Bolton...