I wanted to be a writer - had some good ideas but couldn't get them out on paper. Also I wanted to work in a lab but the careers officer told me that it wasn't a good job for girls as by the...
Okay - have you ever known someone who acts like nothing surprises them very much?Or that they're a "The glass is half empty" and/or "I've seen better" type?Well...
People who say "I speak my mind" do so, boastfully, as though it is an asset and a good character trait, when in fact (in my opinion) it is the exact opposite. Am I right or wrong? (or a bit of...
What is the funniest wrong thing you have ever said? You know, something completely back to front or got the words wrong etc., some total gibberish that has really made you laugh in a "tears streaming...
Hi all, I bought a mango the other day and when I went to cut it up because it was quite ripe and soft it just sort of turned to mulch. It was so hard to cut up nicely and I ended up throwing it away....
What idioms are particular to the region you come from? For instance, in my country and in neighbouring countries, they sometimes say, "What is your good name?"
Does anyone ever wonder what their friends say about them behind their back? Not that they are necessarily saying anything awful, but just what they really think of you. Perhaps that you talk too...
What's the most difficult book you've read? Did it give you a sense of achievement or leave you unfulfilled? Have you read certain books primarily to be able to say you have?
Since I have joined the crew here at AB, I have noticed some of the funniest differences in wording!... Examples: Brit-queue / America- line Brit- fag / America- cigarette ("fag" in America is a...
Following on from a Q below, why has there never been a copycat Jack the Ripper? You would think that with all the myth and mistory surrounding this case, that some nutter would try and emulate it.
I have been truly shocked this week reading about the gang rape of Mukhtar Mai. An honour punishment meted out by a Mastoi tribe after accusations made about her 12 yr old brother. I was...
I would like to announce that I am to become an uncle for the fifth time. My sister-in-law is expecting her second child, due January 22nd, so congratulations to them and I look forward to yet another...
I went out last night for a pint, ended up having ten, and after 2 hours sleep got the train home. I left the station, and walked through a shopping centre en route to my house. As I entered the...
I distinctly remember my nan singing a song about my grandad which went something like this: Grandad (name) aint no good Chop him up for fire wood When he's dead we'll boil his head And turn him into...