I want to replace my existing extractor fan with one which has a delayed motor - if you know what I mean. Is it a simply a matter of disconnecting the wiring, removing the old fan, and reconnecting to...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3298895/Jeremy-Corbyn-comes-fire-denouncing-shedloads-money-spent-World-War-One-commemorations.html another day, another nail in the coffin... anybody else...
Situation : 1930s semi. Original fireplace removed and opening bricked and plastered. Corresponding chimney pot capped with vented cap. Question: Is a vent necessary/advisable in the bricked up...
Article in the Mirror this morning regards Car Insurance, are us old farts getting ripped off with prices? are the young getting robbed with what they pay, I have seen the way some of them drive, but...
I've burnt an audio CD which plays perfectly on a PC but when inserted into my car CD player is rejected with the message ' Reading error'. Any suggestions ?...
the BBC feel the need to apologize is mystifying.... http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/bbc-apologises-over-claim-mp-6446270 .....from that pic he looks like hes dozing, partially deaf or not...
I know this is an old chestnut but technology moves on apace and my familiar Realplayer has gone way out and beyond comprehension, so I need your help once more, folks. I require a simple-to-use...
Hi, Chris, Please can you check my post on 'Computers' dated 14th Sept re. free YouTube video downloaders ? There would seem to be lot to be wary of. I would welcome your recommendations - and anyone...
I have read several descriptions of the Medieval Ridge and Furrow system of ploughing but am still uncertain as to just what the `furrow` refers. Was it the unploughed strip of ground that separated...
I wonder how many of these people will feel the same in 12 Months time, when in the towns they live in, will have problems getting a doctors appointment, getting there children into their local...
The outer lens on my BMW E39 5 Series headlights has become cloudy. Any ideas how to get rid of this dulling which is affecting the efficiency of the lights. ?
I keep getting a pop-up saying that a new Google Chrome extension has been installed and giving me instructions how to display the icon. My present browser is Firefox. I've never heard of Trusteer...
Rude, bone idle and cosseted by the State I haven't actually seen this program get as I tend to watch all episodes together but I have seen the trailers and was horrified. I spent 5 years in Hong Kong...
I took my car to a local garage as the brakes were making a grinding noise, they had a look and said the pads and discs look fine but they could do with a service, they would strip them down and clean...
The plane that crashed in Southampton was carrying the Bin Laden family. Was it a planned terrorist attack? Was it shot down? The police and MOD have no comment to make!
At the risk of being ridiculed, I need to know how to stop my car, or slow down my car without changing down the gears 4,3,2,1. I was taught to do this when I learned to drive many moons ago. I do a...