A bit close to home as it was on an open Q&A site. We're lucky on here as the site is very well monitored. Should all sites enjoy the same...
I'm going to put an 8'x6' shed on part of my lawn. Whats the easiest and simplest base to build? I've done it before and laid a whole patio of paving slabs on sand. A bit elaborate and expensive. I...
at a meeting this morning. Someone reported a fire alarm incident and the H&S manager said 'What was the causation of this'?
is 'causation' even a word?!...
My daughters boyfriend dropped some cannabis resin last night ( about size of 2p peice) The dog I think has found it and eaten it. He is acting very weird and been sick just once - Is this harmful...
Hey frenz, Windows firewall has blocked my facebook account and I wish to know the facebook port so that I can gain access to the website.Does anyone know?
hi. what you lot think about this. I had a thing going with the girl next door. The wife found out. so ended it. all things blown over (so i thought) just found out the wife is now seeing the girl...
If I put rat poison out in my garden (for rats) and it is accidently eaten by our neighbours cat, can I be held liable or prosecuted if the cat subsequently dies.
Hi, i have and have for many years had a very spotty bottom, ive tried the brush thats meant to help with the circulation and stop them from breaking out but there still there, is tere anything else i...
Im off now for good, ive come to do what I wanted. But dont forget what this place once was and the Legend758 is a bully, pure and simple. Dont be scared to say what you feel, its people like him and...
This website will be reported to OFCOM for its shear negligence for allowing such abuse to be permitted online. It will also be reported for not responding to requests, emails or phone calls. AB has...
My boyfriends 13yr old son is off to boarding school soon and I wanted to get him something nice but I don't know what. I don't want to get him something that will step on his ex's toes, and I want it...
What is the legal age in the state of Minnesota to be in a bar.I know these people that have their 13 year old daughter working at the bar serving pop(the bar is down stairs and no alcohal is allowed...
Me and my family are about to lease a pub in the local village and are thinking of introducing food to the menu nothing fancy at all ! just simple quick food, does anone know where i can find any... ture=related It's the weekend folks, have a grrrrrrrrrrrreat one, Happy ABing and Facebooking, I'll be looking in on the FB group from time to time, so...